Living up to its genre slice-of-life, Today’s Webtoon successfully depicts the different depths of each character’s points of view. Today’s Webtoon began with a classic humorous narrative. However, as the story progresses, different resonating moments of each character’s points of view and story are revealed. Moreover, the series illustrates how...
Ma-eum is having a hard time dealing with Dae-ryuk’s mother, a malicious post alleging Dae-ryuk molested a woman and supporting her artist with his first artist’s block in Today’s Webtoon episode 14. In Today’s Webtoon Episode 14, Dae-ryuk’s mother visits NEON, hoping to get his address, with Ma-eum recently learning...
The NEON Webtoon Team is undergoing yet another dilemma with their artists. Moreover, Ma-eum seems to have a hard time working with Dae-ryuk in Episode 13 of Today’s Webtoon. With the recent revelation on the last episode of Today’s Webtoon, Jun-yeong finally tells Ma-eum why he’s been seeing Director Heo...
Preventing history from repeating itself, Chief Editor Jang Man-chul gathers the whole team to encourage them to work with him in saving their team. In the most recent episode of Today’s Webtoon, the managing director of NEON gives the webtoon team one last chance to prove their place in the...
After finding out that her sister links to Man-chul. Jun-yeong mistakenly thinks that Ji-hyung and Man-chul are to blame for his sister’s death. Jun-yeong thinks that Ji-hyung and Man-chul are responsible for his sister’s death. He can’t decide whether to betray the team even further and hand over the materials...
Ji-hyung finally decides whether he’ll stay at NEON Webtoon or he’ll join Youngtoon as a chief editor in the 10th episode of Today’s Webtoon. Ji-hyung got an offer as the chief editor of Youngtoon that made him confused. Meanwhile, Man-chul tells him to think about himself first. Moreover, Ma-eum feels...
In this week’s episode, Man-chul and his colleagues paid a visit to artist Ma Hae-kyu in order to persuade him to allow NEON Webtoon to publish a remake of his legendary comics. However, things did not go well as he had expected. Hoping to publish a remake of a hit...
Today’s Webtoon takes us again on another roller coaster of emotions as Im Dong-hee reaches his limit in pursuing his dream as well as the NEON Webtoon Team faces another downturn. In this week’s episode, writer Baek Eo-jin’s longtime assistant, Im Dong-hee, who has been hoping for a debut for...
After letting go of Goo Seul-a to work with Producer Kwon, Ma-eum finds out that he has been treating the new artist in a harsh way in Today’s Webtoon episode 6. Ma-eum returns to work following her confession to her father that she wants to work in an office and...
After an eventful Webtoon Camp, Ma-eum faces more challenging situations as a rookie webtoon producer in Episode 5 of Today’s Webtoon. In the most recent episode of Today’s Webtoon, in hopes of wrapping up the Webtoon Camp smoothly, things didn’t turn out the way Man-chul wants them to. Ma-eum hurts...