Featuring varying generations, Our Blues unveils the latest stills from its omnibus drama. Our Blues tells the story of all those who find themselves at the end, climax, or beginning of their lives. It is an omnibus drama that chronicles the lives of different characters against the backdrop of Jeju’s...
Set to premiere on April 9, tvN’s upcoming drama Our Blues radiates beaming smiles from the main cast. Featuring 14 lauded actors who will lead the special omnibus series, the main poster includes Lee Byung Hun, Cha Seung Won, Uhm Jung Hwa, Lee Jung Eun, and Han Ji Min, along...
Star-studded tvN series, Our Blues, clinches its launch date on April 9! To be penned by acclaimed writer Noh Hee Kyung, the new tvN’s Saturday drama will be directed by Kim Gyu Tae. Our Blues is a work that chronicles the sweet and bitter lives of all who stand at...