Featuring an attractive story sketch, MBC announces the casting and details of its upcoming sageuk series. 조선변호사 Joseon Lawyer (LT) tells the story of a lawyer on a mission to take revenge on an enemy that killed his parents. From revenge, it will highlight his growth as a champion of...
Powerful women in Mine gloriously recognize their identity as something they can truly call their own. In search of what they can call their own, people inside Hyowon mansion explore how far they could go. Along with that, women in Mine break barriers and liberate themselves from society’s judgment. Main...
Cha Hak Yeon is every bit a capable “man in uniform” in his character stills for Bad and Crazy! Bad and Crazy is a hero-centric drama that follows capable but bad cop Ryu Su Yeol regaining his humanity after meeting the righteous but crazy ‘K’. The actor joins Lee Dong...