Get ready for a cinematic journey that will tug at your heartstrings and expand your imagination. Netflix is about to unveil Wonderland, a mind-bending sci-fi fantasy that promises to leave you breathless. Directed by the visionary Kim Tae Yong and boasting a star-studded cast including Tang Wei, Bae Suzy, Park...
The movie Wonderland, which is attracting attention due to the meeting of popular actors such as Tang Wei, Bae Suzy, Park Bo Gum, Jung Yu Mi, and Choi Woo Shik, has unveiled its latest teasers. Wonderland tells the story of meeting a loved one again through ‘Wonderland’, a video call...
Park Bo Gum is taking a break from the screens to complete his mandatory military service. Blossom Entertainment confirms that Park Bo Gum is scheduled to join the military on August 31. The actor will be a part of the Navy’s Cultural Promotion Unit. Despite this, his company shared updates...