Something light, fun and probably familiar – still, Dream has an encouraging message from its captivating storyline. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag national team players, who...
Offering a fresh and promising storyline, Today’s Webtoon showcases and explores behind the scenes in the webtoon office world. The new SBS drama, Today’s Webtoon, aspiringly takes the series as an opportunity to share how editors and writers work together to upload comics on a daily basis. In reality, the editors...
Kim Sejeong, Nam Yoon Su, and Daniel Choi wrap up Today’s Webtoon script run-through with glee and warmth. Premiering on July 29, the cast of SBS’s Today’s Webtoon showcases their charms as they transform into their characters. The lead cast is also joined by Director Cho Soo-Won (Pinocchio), Director Kim Young-hwan, Writer Cho...