An unexpected journey to self-love will be featured in the heartwarming film, Ajooma. TBA Studios has acquired exclusive Philippine theatrical distribution rights to the lighthearted family drama Ajoomma, which will be released on March 15. Directed by Singaporean filmmaker, He Shuming, his feature debut film tells the story of a...
Blending in with New Zealand wilderness, Bros On Foot depicts traveling four men’s meaningful struggles. In the first TVING original, Bros On Foot, some of Korea’s biggest stars, including Ha Jung Woo, Ju Ji Hoon, Choi Minho, and Yeo Jin Goo, bond together to take a surrogate road trip across the...
Link: Eat, Love, Kill served a narrative with various genres that proved that facing our fears and fixing our regrets is the only way to face tomorrow with no bottled-up emotions. Link: Eat, Love, Kill introduces a refreshing take on murder and thriller narratives. It highlights Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun’s tragic...
This lifetime is not for Man Wol and Chan Seong to have but the hope that the next ones could be makes their love story endearing and more meaningful. Hotel del Luna dazzled, not only because of its great cast, but also due to its narrative and the characters’ interesting...
It was not an easy feat, but Ha Seon was able to create the country which Secretary Lee and the rest of the people longed for and deserved. The Crowned Clown gave us characters to hate and root for. The internal and external forces driving a wedge between the monarchy...
tvN is reeling more viewers in with its abundant share of teasers for upcoming drama, Link: Eat Love Kill! tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama tells the story of a man who unexpectedly starts sharing different emotions with a woman. Yeo Jin Goo will portray the character of a skilled and talented sous...
Keeping anticipated viewers updated, tvN’s new series Link unveiled the first stills of its lead pair! Securing tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama slot, Link: Eat, Love Kill tells the story of a man who unexpectedly starts sharing different emotions with a woman. Yeo Jin Goo will portray the character of a skilled...
22 years after, the well-loved film is set for a new interpretation starring the most talented actors of this generation. Yeo Jin Goo, Cho Yi Hyun, Kim Hye Yoon, Na In Woo and Bae In Hyuk are set to start filming for Ditto in May. Ditto depicts the story of...
Link: Eat, Love, Kill – is an interesting fantasy melodrama is in the pipeline of tvN’s drama roster next year. The series spins the story of a man who suddenly shares a woman’s feelings. His empathic connection involves the woman’s joys, sorrow and pains. Spearheading the production is Director Hong...
With a mix of tension, drama, and a little humor, Beyond Evil took viewers to a suspenseful ride, captivating with its peerless writing all throughout. Beyond Evil follows Lee Dong Sik and Han Ju Won, two fearless police officers with tainted pasts. Bent on cracking the case, the two cops...