In a world facing its end in 200 days by a catastrophic asteroid strike, how do people deal with it? Premiering on April 26, the Korean series Goodbye Earth paints a vivid picture of these tumultuous times, as revealed in the newly released trailer. The once-peaceful city of Woongcheon is...
Despite controversies, Netflix greenlights the launch of Goodbye Earth on April 26. The lead actor of the series Yoo Ah In is on trial on charges of habitual drug use. Nonetheless, Netflix released a teaser poster recently, announcing the release date of Goodbye Earth. Goodbye Earth is a work that...
A class of its own, the fast-paced narrative of Seoul Vibe gives refreshing aftermath seemingly like you’ve really been on a joy ride. Fluidly chronicled, the charm of this 1988-set film is that it won’t make the viewers think much, but just really enjoy the movie drive! abbyinhallyuland watched Seoul...
Gearing up on its Netflix launch, Seoul Vibe takes us on a thrilling ride experience back to 1988. Actors Yoo Ah In, Lee Kyu Hyung, Park Ju Hyun, Moon So Ri, Go Kyung Pyo, Ong Seong Wu, and director Moon Hyun-sung attended Seoul Vibe‘s press conference held at the Grand...
The retro feel is high with the fascinating vibe of the coolest crew to meet this August on Netflix! Seoul Vibe, an action blockbuster packed with thrills and adrenaline-fueled scenes, is pumped up for its launch on August 26. Seoul Vibe is an action blockbuster revving with pulse-pounding pursuit. The...
In stylish retro, Seoul Vibe fascinates with its coolest crew! To deliver a package of stylish action, visuals, and music; it is an action blockbuster revving with pulse-pounding pursuit. Seoul Vibe is an action film directed by Moon Hyun Sung of As One and The King’s Case Note fame. It stars...
An exciting movie ride is all set for Seoul Vibe! Vaunting a spectacular retro feel, the new Netflix film would sure reel in viewers when it premieres on August 26! To deliver a package of stylish action, visuals, and music; it is an action blockbuster revving with pulse-pounding pursuit. Seoul Vibe...
Lock the dates for Seoul Vibe – the coolest Korean film to watch on Netflix next month! Slated on August 26, car action blockbuster Seoul Vibe aims to deliver a package of stylish action, visuals, and music. Seoul Vibe is an action blockbuster revving with pulse-pounding pursuit. The drivers of...
March 1 celebrates Independence Movement Day in South Korea. In 1919, a crowd of people shouted for liberation, a movement against the Japanese military rule over Korea. An 18-year-old girl, Ryu Gwansun led the people to this historical nonviolent movement. Her passion along with the fearless voices of the freedom...
Netflix announces the confirmed lead cast for Goodbye Earth. Grabbing attention with the collaboration of director Kim Jin Min of My Name and Extracurricular and writer Jeong Seong Ju, which will undoubtedly be a work worth anticipating for the series. Goodbye Earth tells the story of people living in a world in...