Making his small screen return, Park Hyung Sik portrays a star doctor experiencing a life downswing in Doctor Slump. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and...
Joining the growing roster of healing dramas, the new JTBC series aims to bring empathy and consolation to those feeling burdened in life. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light...
Evoking warmth, the main poster of Doctor Slump invites viewers to an unforgettable reunion story. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm solace. In charge...
The lead stars of Doctor Slump are featured in the latest teaser highlighting their school days’ back story. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...
Fascinatingly hooking, the story, the characters, and the direction of Delightfully Deceitful give unexpected pleasure. Explicitly explaining its concept of “beneficial fraud” – the series vaunts a sound argument on other ways that justice can be claimed and served. Main Leads: Chun Woo Hee | Kim Dong Wook | Yoon...
Reuniting with fellow geniuses “nurtured” by Jeokmok Foundation, Ro-woom’s vengeance motivation is starting to get revealed in Delightfully Deceitful. Still wanting to be a willing victim, Moo-young is also getting pieces of information in the web of lies and truths that involve Jeokmok kids. abbyinhallyuland watches Delightfully Deceitful on Smart...
So far, there’s nothing not to enjoy in Delightfully Deceitful. Fascinatingly addicting, the story, the characters, and the direction of this new series are giving viewers unexpected pleasure. abbyinhallyuland watches Delightfully Deceitful on Smart GigaPlay app | Cignal (DTH) CH160 Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | Delightfully Deceitful Episodes 3...
Interestingly sketched characters make Delightfully Deceitful a fascinating K-Drama treat in its opening week! Boasting an engrossing character dynamic, the connection and interaction of the characters are what make this series worth following. abbyinhallyuland watches Delightfully Deceitful on Smart GigaPlay app | Cignal (DTH) CH160 Opening Week Rating: Delightfully Deceitful...
A preview to Delightfully Deceitful is unveiled in the recently held table-read. Delightfully Deceitful tells the collaboration between two completely different people, a fraudster who cannot empathize and an overly sympathetic lawyer. It is a revenge story against absolute evil. Chun Woo Hee takes on the role of Lee Reum,...
JTBC’s new romantic comedy, Doctor Slump, also confirms Yoon Park and Kong Seong Ha as the main leads. Doctor Slump threads on the story of two rivals who were reunited in the darkest period of their lives. In the process, they become each other’s light bringing excitement, laughter, and warm...