Netflix has announced a new youth romance film titled Love Untangled. Set in the nostalgic year of 1998, the film follows Park Se-ri, a high school student who has a lifelong frustration with her unruly curly hair. Determined to confess her feelings to the most popular student in school, she...
Known for his versatility, Yoon Sang Hyun fully immerses himself in the role of Choi Hyun-min, a mysterious figure who appears to be both charming and potentially dangerous in Perfect Family. In the stills unveiled, Yoon Sang Hyun is seen displaying a range of serious and humorous expressions, along with...
Aiming to explore the struggle of the royal court on the education system of troublemaking Joseon princes, this new period series surely raises anticipation. The main cast of 슈룹 Umbrella (LT) is officially sealed. Headlined by Kim Hye Soo, Kim Hae Sook and Choi Won Young, the series targets October...
Versatile actor Yoon Sang Hyun is welcomed by Ungbin ENS as its newest artist. On the 6th, Ungbin ENS announced the news and said, “It is an honor to be able to support Yoon Sang Hyun, who shows sparingly his unrivaled presence in various genres. As a Korean Wave star...
A second chance to live your old glorious self and give a shot to your life-long dream resonates the story of 18 Again. Framing the agony and bliss of committing to a life-changing decision, 18 Again covered a slew of themes from its premiere week. From weakly-founded marriage in the...
Ahead of its first broadcast tonight, 18 Again was given a closer look by its main cast and creative team. The virtual conference was attended by Director Ha Byung Hoon and actors Kim Ha Neul, Yoon Sang Hyun, Lee Do Hyun, Lee Yoo Ri and Wi Ha Joon at 2PM...
Rekindling love memories plus a chance to fulfill a forgotten dream propel jTBC’s new series, 18 Again! Yoon Sang Hyun, Kim Ha Neul and Lee Do Hyun are all set for fantasy-romance 18 Again. The new drama traverses the story of a man who wrinkled time and returned to his...