Ticking one of his dreams on his bucket list, Kim Seon Ho relayed his experiences on his recent trip to Thailand. The actor appeared as the first guest of the 2nd season of E Channel-SBS Plus co-produced entertainment show, Mukbo Bro 2 (Brothers Who Eat and Watch 2). The show...
Dangerously charming and unfazed, the duality of Kim Seon Ho in The Childe oozes in the latest teasers. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people...
Slated for a summer release, the thrilling chase and unpredictable story of The Childe unravels. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people with different goals...
Slated for June broadcast, The Childe seals its premiere schedule in June with an arresting teaser image. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people with...
Confirming the lead cast, director Park Hoon Jung reunites with actors he worked with in his recent films. Tyrant follows the story of people chasing each other after the last sample of the “tyrant’s program” disappears due to a delivery accident. Steering the movie project is director Park Hoon Jung...
Filo Seonhohadas, prepare your biggest smiles because our dimple prince Kim Seon Ho is coming to Manila! Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha actor Kim Seon Ho will be spending time with his Filipino fans through his upcoming fan meeting in Manila this January 2023. Announced on November 13 by concert organizer PULP Live...
Kim Seon Ho returns to acting after a 7-month hiatus and will appear in the play Touching the Void. On July 18, on the Instagram of Kim Seon Ho’s agency, a picture with a caption, “I prefer to spend this week on my preferred day along with my preferred photo...
Updating his faithful fans, Kim Seon Ho posted a grateful message on Instagram and fan cafe. A day before his 36th birthday, the Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha lead star breaks his silence to share his innermost thoughts. It is his first interaction with his followers after being caught up in his private...
After his recent appearance at Incheon International Airport, Kim Seon Ho finished filming Sad Tropics in Thailand. Fans enthusiastically express their love and support for Kim Seon Ho during his arrival and immediate departure from the airport. Kim Seon Ho had his greatest days since his debut last year, following the success of...
With the announcement of the confirmed ensemble cast, Sad Tropics gears up to begin filming on December 10! Led by Director and Screenwriter Park Hoon Jung, Sad Tropics follows a young boy who dreams of becoming a boxer but finds himself suddenly the target of suspicious people and being pursued. Furthermore,...