A charming treat for a campus youth drama, Rookie Cops knows how to appreciate friendship while learning valuable life experiences. Knowing the right time to energize the story, the series is such a breezy watch. Despite the faint drawbacks, it has made sure to avoid run-the-mill problems typical of school-set...
Fully sealing the 8-member friendship circle, Rookie Cops had an upbeat run in the 11th and 12th episodes. Probably preparing for the heavier mood that would ensue in the subsequent chapters as character connections as well as past events would shape the final conflict. abbyinhallyuland watches Rookie Cops on Disney+...
It’s the sweet and calm before the storm in the latest episodes of Rookie Cops! Reaching the middle mark of the series, we saw a new addition to the friendship circle of our favorite KNPU newbies. Romance and jealousy also made the 4th week of Rookie Cops such an endearing...
Wi Seung-hyun begins seeing Eun-kang in a romantic light and he adorably takes time to process it in the latest episodes of Rookie Cops! On the downside, he also gets entangled with Tak to a forbidden act for KNPU students. abbyinhallyuland watches Rookie Cops on Disney+ Episode Recaps: Premiere Week...
Coming from different motivations in their intended career, Rookie Cops officially acquaints viewers with its interesting mix of characters. Wielding the campus lives of newly recruited students of Korea National Police University (KNPU), navigating to their training phase is highlighted in the opening episodes. Along with that, proverbial issues concerning...
We can definitely sense the joy of being young police officers in the unveiled poster of Disney+’s Rookie Cops! Along with that, viewers can now add it to their drama calendar as its confirmed premiere is set on January 26. Scheduled to be released in the first half of 2022,...
Rookie Cops releases a trailer along with a poster featuring a beaming young cast! Scheduled to be released in the first half of 2022, Rookie Cops, a Disney+ original series, features an energetic police college campus life starring Kang Daniel and Chae Soo Bin. The original series is written by...
Making his debut as an actor, Kang Daniel expressed his thoughts at the recent Disney+ APAC content showcase. The event was held simultaneously in Japan, Korea, Greater China, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore. Beaming while recounting the experience, he was also amazed after watching the preview video of 너와 나의 경찰수업...