Great news for fans of Korean dramas: the highly anticipated series As You Stood By (WT) has officially begun production, featuring a stellar cast that includes Jeon So Nee, Lee You Mi, Jang Seung Jo, and Lee Mu Saeng. The gripping narrative explores the unforeseen events that unfold when two...
A talented cast meets an enthralling story in the new KBS 2TV Monday-Tuesday series. Scheduled to be broadcast for the first time in March, Nothing Uncovered features stories of a reporter catching bad guys by the collar and a detective from a violent team chasing after bad guys. A melodrama chase...
Kim Ha Neul, Yeon Woo Jin and Jang Seung Jo confront a big predicament in KBS2 TV’s new series. Scheduled to be broadcast for the first time in March, Let’s Get Grabbed By The Collar (LT) features stories of a reporter catching bad guys by the collar and a detective from...
KBS2 TV’s new Monday-Tuesday series paraded teasers of its lead cast! Scheduled to be broadcast for the first time in March, Let’s Get Grabbed By The Collar (LT) features stories of a reporter catching bad guys by the collar and a detective from a violent team chasing after bad guys. A...
Kim Ha Neul, Yeon Woo Jin and Jang Seung Jo cast in KBS2’s Monday-Tuesday series, Let’s Get Grabbed by the Collar. Scheduled to be broadcast for the first time in March, the series features stories of a reporter catching bad guys by the collar and a detective from a violent...
TVING’s original series Death Game is scheduled to release Part 2, which will conclude the judgment of death, at noon today. Here are watching points in the exciting second part of the series. Choi Yi Jae’s Counterattack Currently, Choi Yi-jae (Seo In Guk) is being punished by experiencing 12 lives...
Brimming with lessons about life and death, this new series smartly explores how humans are prone to disheartening choices. With these “giving up decisions”, experiencing the harshness of life seems the catalyst that drives a person to the point of no return. abbyinhallyuland watches Death’s Game on Prime Video Opening...
Director Ha Byung-hoon, Seo In Guk, Park So Dam, Kim Ji Hoon, Choi Si Won, Sung Hoon, Kim Kang Hoon, Jang Seung Jo, Lee Jae Wook, Go Youn Jung, Kim Jae Wook, and Kim Mee Kyung gathered at a local press conference in Seoul to discuss their upcoming series Death’s...
The hero of Death’s Game is seen struggling to free himself from a cryptic figure seemingly in control of his life. Confirmed in the lead cast of the series based on the Naver webtoon are Seo In Guk and Park So Dam. In Death’s Game, Seo In Guk portrays Choi...
In her most vulnerable moment, Ha-ra finds herself calling Eun-beom to share her pain in the latest episodes of Strangers Again. Confronting the agonizing betrayal that led to her parents’ divorce, Ha-ra also bravely acknowledged that she wants another chance at love with Eun-beom. abbyinhallyuland watches Strangers Again on K-PLUS...