Link: Eat, Love, Kill served a narrative with various genres that proved that facing our fears and fixing our regrets is the only way to face tomorrow with no bottled-up emotions. Link: Eat, Love, Kill introduces a refreshing take on murder and thriller narratives. It highlights Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun’s tragic...
Soo-kwang and Seul-bi continue to defy their fate and use love as a weapon to defeat misfortune in the recent episodes of Jinxed At First. The heroes of Jinxed At First team up to cut the bloodline of the prophesying witches and destroy the curse that resides in the Geumhwa Group. sun_drae watches Jinxed...
Danger continues to follow Da-hyun in Link: Eat, Love, Kill episode 15. Nevertheless, her link with Gye-hoon saved her from peril. Ending their relationship in the recent episode of Link: Eat, Love, Kill, fate brings back Da-hyun and Gye-hoon together. Furthermore, Da-hyun finally fulfills her promise to Gye-young 18 years ago. sun_drae watched Link:...
Starring Kim Min Jae, Kim Hyang Gi, and Kim Sang Kyung, the cast of Poong, The Joseon Psychiatrist, is set to heal and bring laughter to viewers this August 1! Poong, The Joseon Psychiatrist, introduces new character details and unveils more drama stills. tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama is headed by Director Park Won...
Multi-talented artist Seo In Guk talks about his newest album – LOVE&LOVE – his first solo release in five years with Kristel Fulgar! NYMA talent, Kristel Fulgar, shows off her fluent Hangul in a 20-minute interview with her top K-Drama idol Seo In Guk on June 30. Kristel expressed her gratitude...
Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun’s relationship was once again challenged as Link: Eat, Love, Kill episode 14 had them confront reality. In addition to this, Lee Young-hoon quietly makes his next moves in the 14th episode of Link: Eat, Love, Kill. On the other hand, Eun Gye-hoon plans to leave Jihwa-dong as more unbearable...
Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun save their relationship and clear misunderstandings amid the dangers in Link: Eat, Love, Kill episode 13. Mustering her courage in the recent episode of Link: Eat, Love, Kill, Hong Bok-hee finally answers Da-hyun’s question on the night she and Gye-young disappeared. sun_drae watched Link: Eat, Love, Kill in Disney Plus...
Joining forces in If You Wish Upon Me as Team Genie – Ji Chang Wook, Choi Sooyoung, and Sung Dong Il are set to heal hearts this August. KBS2’s new healing and a slice of life drama, If You Wish Upon Me, drops evoking teaser material that hints at a warm and tear-jerking...
Finding out the consequences Seul-bi will face for prophesying, Soo-kwang tries to win her back in the recent episodes of Jinxed At First. Jinxed At First episodes 9 and 10 also reveals more secrets about the goddesses of fortune and give hope that Lee Seul-bi can live a normal life. sun_drae watches Jinxed...
Da-hyun doesn’t feign ignorance of the facts that Gye-hoon tries to mask. Due to this, their relationship hangs by a thread in Episode 12 of Link: Eat, Love, Kill. Link: Eat, Love, Kill pierces on Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun’s hearts with the truth they unearthed. Blaming herself for being the only...