Netflix celebrates the 58th Golden Bell Awards—Taiwan’s most prestigious television award that celebrates creative excellence in the entertainment industry—with 40 nominations and 12 wins. The nomination list features well-loved cast and crew from some of Netflix’s most popular Taiwanese series, including two nominations for Mom, Don’t Do That!, seven nominations...
A romantic anthology series, At the Moment, showcasing 10 unexpected modern love stories, is set to launch November 10 globally and exclusively on Netflix. The series features an impressive ensemble cast, including Gingle Wang, Wu Kang-ren, Ruby Lin, Alyssa Chia, Dee Hsu, Austin Lin, Esther Liu, Huang Lu Tzu-yin (Lulu),...
Taiwanese series Living (有生之年) is set to release on iQIYI on September 17 worldwide. As we inch closer to the date of release, more and more character stories have also been revealed. In the latest set of teasers released, the audience was in for a treat and many promised to...
Taiwanese TV drama queen and award-winning producer Ruby Lin (林心如), known for her many roles in timeless classics such as My Fair Princess, returns with a new Taiwanese drama production Living (有生之年), which is set to air on iQIYI on September 17. The original series stars a team of renowned...
Since premiering on a streaming platform last week, Copycat Killer has created a new record in Taiwanese series history. It has landed on the top 10 charts across 25 regions/markets worldwide, with viewing hours on the rise. Copycat Killer is backed up by Audiovisual works from Asia that has gradually...
All decked for March 31 release on Netflix, Copycat Killer is a Chinese-language crime thriller adapted from a popular crime mystery novel by Japanese writer Miyuki Miyabe. Copycat Killer is set in 90s Taipei and tells the story of the first-ever serial murder case in Taiwan. Taking advantage of the...
From modern fantasy to steamy romance and gritty crime thrillers, Netflix will be releasing five original Chinese-language shows globally. Headlining the announcement is the ambitious Agent From Above, a fantasy series rooted in traditional Taiwanese beliefs. Produced with renowned production studios mm2 Entertainment and Good Films Production, the series boasts...
The main characters’ elaborate performances, superb modern and ancient time concept integration, and surprising narrative twists are what makes this series good. Writer Chi Feng Chien weaves mystery, spirituality, love, morality, faith, madness, culture, and environmental awareness into one story—that is Rainless Love in a Godless Land. And although this...
Impressive cinematography mixed well with a compelling noir storyline – iQiyi’s first prison-themed Taiwanese drama is a must-watch for crime-thriller enthusiasts! Both two seasons of Danger Zone garnered high praises. Particularly, the series’ central premise, morality and justice, incites contemplation in viewers. Moreover, Director David Chuang effectively adapted Qian Yu Zhi...
Aiming for an imaginative and riveting concept, Danger Zone readies mind-bending plot elements when it starts streaming globally on iQiyi International beginning September 3. iQiyi’s first prison-themed Chinese language series Danger Zone, stars Vic Chou, Sandrine Pinna, Wu Hsing-kuo, Christopher Lee, Berant Zhu, Tseng Chin-hua, and Teresa Daley. The first...