As a masked man in Squid Game, Wi Ha Joon conveyed his appreciation for the success of the series. Netflix original series, Squid Game, chronicles participants in a cryptic survival game with a prize of 45.6 billion dollar. Players stake their lives to be the lone winner in the extreme...
Sharing the behind-the-scenes snippets of Squid Game, Park Hae Soo feels grateful for the success of the series. Squid Game, a Netflix original series, follows participants in a cryptic survival game with a 45.6 billion dollar prize. Cho Sang-woo (Park Hae Soo) and other players risk their lives to be...
Anticipating a strong role, Lee Jung Jae hoped for something different after accepting Gi-hun in Squid Game. Squid Game, a Netflix original series, tells the story of participants in a cryptic survival game. Players, including Gi-hun, risk their lives to vie for the price of 45.6 billion dollars. Following the...
Squid Game director expresses his gratitude for the success of the series and carefully discusses his season 2 plans. Netflix’s original series, Squid Game, follows participants in a cryptic survival game with a prize of 45.6 billion dollars. Players are also willing to stake their lives to be the lone...
Honey Lee answers six interesting questions regarding her upcoming drama One The Woman. One The Woman will air this September 17. And will have a Friday and Saturday evening time slot, that has been previously occupied by The Penthouse 3. The drama tells the story of Cho Yeon-joo (Honey Lee),...
Admirable actor Jinyoung brings out his cool and mature charms in a stylish pictorial with @star1 Magazine! For its upcoming September 2021 issue, the prominent fashion magazine is featuring Jinyoung and his sentiments about returning to the limelight after his military service. The actor currently stars in the new KBS...
Voice 4 actors including its lead stars Song Seung Heon, Lee Ha Na, and Lee Kyu Hyung relayed their insights on the drama’s finale. Song Seung Heon, who played the role of detective Derek Jo shared, “I’m filled with emotions thinking about Voice 4 coming to an end after everyone...
Kim Sae Ron, Nam Da Reum, and Yoo Seon Ho grow fondness and chemistry while filming for The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim. The cast and production team of The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim revealed what to expect in the recent drama presentation. The well-known child actors Kim Sae Ron and Nam...
In a special interview, actress Kang Min Ah talked about her recently-concluded KBS drama At a Distance Spring Is Green. Actress Kang Min Ah sat down for an interview to talk about the conclusion of her KBS drama At A Distance Spring Is Green. Based on a webtoon, At A...
Star writer Kim Eun Hee recently talked about her experiences while working on Kingdom: Ashin Of The North and her future plans in a special interview. Fans of the hit South Korean television series Kingdom would probably know Kim Eun Hee. She is the writer and the mastermind behind the show,...