Han Ye Ri passionately makes a comeback with a tenacious character in Hometown. Hometown (directed by Hyun Seok Park and written by Joo Jin) is a 1999 mystery thriller drama about detective Choi Hyung In as he investigates a series of murders. Detective Choi (Yoo Jae Myung) then confronts the...
Going full speed with astounding content, iQiyi goals a stunning lineup to close this year with a bang! The star-studded iQiyi Hallyu Season has officially arrived. In the last quarter of the year, iQiyi, leader of streaming entertainment in Asia, is set to release a series of major K-series and...
Setting a mysterious ambiance, Jirisan taunts a riveting and death-defying experience as Gianna Jun and Ju Ji Hoon transform as valiant mountain rangers. Upcoming mystery and thriller drama, Jirisan recently unveiled its official teaser. Captivating through its unique plot, the viewers can anticipate the highly-anticipated series as notable media practitioners unite. Jirisan follows an...
KBS2 TV unveils SF9 Rowoon and Park Eun Bin’s unparalleled chemistry in recent teasers and photo stills of The King’s Affection. Set for unveiling on October 11, KBS2’s upcoming Monday and Tuesday drama, The King’s Affection, raises expectations and interest. SF9’s Rowoon and Park Eun Bin are paired to portray a...
Netflix’s new series, My Name, releases a teaser trailer that piques fans’ interest. My Name depicts a dramatic action that follows the cruel reality of Ji Woo, portrayed by Han So Hee. She enters an organization under a new name to identify the person who murdered his father. In the...
Romantic comedy series Dali and the Cocky Prince held its’ drama presentation with star actors Kim Min Jae, Park Gyu Young, Kwon Yul, Hwang Hee, and Yeon-woo. Directed by Lee Jung Sub and written by Son Eun Hye Dali and the Cocky Prince is an art romance that the audience can enjoy because...
It has been an eventful run for tvN! Celebrating its 15th anniversary, a roster of drama and entertainment show content has been unveiled! The 15th-anniversary project of tvN officially commences with a teaser video released earlier. Marking its fruitful 15 years on October 9, the channel, known for revolutionary and...
Aiming to delve into the core of the National Intelligence Service, The Veil has been garnering attention for its solid story and cast. At the recent drama presentation, the lead stars and PD Kim Sung Yong opened up about their experiences and thoughts about their latest project. Highlighting how The...
Evoking an enigmatic countenance, Gianna Jun sparks interest in the poster unveiled for JIRISAN. All set for its eagerly-awaited premiere, iQiyi original K-series Jirisan is starred by Gianna Jun and Ju Ji Hoon. Directed by Lee Eung-bok (Goblin, Descendants Of The Sun), writer Kim Eun-hee (Kingdom, Signal) and starring Gianna Jun...
In Idol: The Coup, well-loved girl group members will form the fictional girl group Cotton Candy. JTBC’s drama Idol: The Coup (Director Noh Jong Chan) announces the casting of Ahn Hee Yeon, Solbin, Han So Eun, WJSN’s Exy, and Red Square’s Green as members of the idol group Cotton Candy....