A sweet dose of music, youth and young love is up for Twinkling Watermelon! Twinkling Watermelon, is a fantasy coming-of-age drama that follows the musically gifted high school student Eun-gyeol. After visiting a mysterious musical instrument store, he’s transported back in time, where he starts a band called Watermelon Sugar...
Mujin’s tiny town confronts a series of cryptic murders that prove the innocence of possible culprits in the penultimate week of Behind Your Touch! Uncharacteristically, Jang-yeol provided heartfelt comfort to grieving Ye-bun following the aftermath of her grandfather’s death. abbyinhallyuland watched Behind Your Touch on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 &...
Introducing viewers with its lead cast, The Worst of Evil piques interest in the interwoven fates of a gang leader, his first love, and his first love’s husband. Vibing classic Asian detective stories, this new original series from Disney+ does not complicate the story flow from the get-go. Notably, it...
Hong-jo and Shin-yu’s feelings are officially mutual in the 5th week of Destined With You. Still, they have to deal with Na-yeon’s demand and a curse from the gardener who secretly wishes harm to befall them. abbyinhallyuland watches Destined With You on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03...
More clues add to the intrigue of Behind Your Touch on its 6th week. However, more murders keep happening in the town of Mujin. Narrowing down the suspects, the police struggle to connect the motives and disregard the alibis of the possible culprits. abbyinhallyuland watched Behind Your Touch on Netflix...
Yearning in its purest form created a love miracle in A Time Called You! A Time Called You is a story about Han Jun-hee who is still grieving the death of her boyfriend. Somehow, she manages to travel back in time to the year 1998 and finds herself in a...
A staple place highlighted in Korean dramas and popular Seoul travel spots, viewers can get a quick trip and deeper knowledge of the famous water source in Han River Police. Aside from that, the veteran and reliable talented actors breathe life into interesting characters in charge of safeguarding the Han...
Things unexpectedly get awry when a man supposed to kidnap a rich family’s daughter meets the girl he was about to abduct right before his eyes in The Kidnapping Day! Mystery, drama, and comedy are the flavors that make this new drama worth watching. abbyinhallyuland watches The Kidnapping Day on...
Finally liberating himself from a bad stigma from his past, Do-ha came to terms with his withheld emotions in the penultimate week of My Lovely Liar! Unfortunately, he also had to deal with a disheartening truth about the real murderer of his ex-girlfriend. abbyinhallyuland watches My Lovely Liar on Viu...
It’s not a love-potion-driven nor neural coupling phenomenon – Shin-yu realizes he caught a true-blue love bug in the 4th week of Destined With You. While Hong-jo processes a strange situationship with Shin-yu – someone seems monitoring them. abbyinhallyuland watches Destined With You on Netflix Episode Recaps: 01 & 02...