Delivering a calibrated story in its pioneering episodes, Agency did not disappoint in showing what it has in store for its viewers. Starting with a mysterious play of an advertisement showing the fierce character of Go Ah-In (Lee Bo Young) at the end, the series is moving to an engrossing...
Being direct and clear with his emotions and intentions, Lee Heon finally appeased Sorang’s love apprehensions in the 8th episode of The Forbidden Marriage. While the romance is in full swing, the enemies are also keen to cause problems for the king. Pictures of unreturned love emotions are also sadly...
Learning about the murders that occurred, Moo-sik protects his connections in Big Bet. Adjusting to his new working conditions in the Philippines, Seung-hun begins his investigation on the CEO of Pastella. Meanwhile, Moo-sik learns about the murders his acquaintances committed. Marcie Line watched Big Bet on Disney+ Episode Recaps: 01-03...
What goes on in people’s private lives is always a mystery. Everyone interprets situations in line with their assumptions. Upon discovering the body, a Vietnamese woman’s face and hands had been burned beyond recognition. The primary suspects include the husband of the victim who was described to have facial blindness,...
Stressing how love fuels motivation to protect someone or something dear to us, Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow closes an iconic tale that would be loved even in years to come. Idyllic lines, unrivaled worldbuilding, and a superb cast make the series one of the best Korean dramas this year...
Despite their love-hate dynamic, Myung-Se and Ha-Ru eventually warm up to one another. After getting fired for illegally forging a consent form from a psychopath inmate, Shin Ha-Ru decided to work for Neuroscientific Investigations Team along with detective Geum Myung-Se and Captain Seol So-Jung to handle cases related to brain...
Halfway through the series, Unlock My Boss continues to reflect on issues of poverty, power abuse, and the value of trust. Shortly after receiving a mysterious text, Seon-ji and In-seong plan on exposing the suspect at the next board meeting. It turns out it was Se-yeon pondering about her boss’...
A crucial alliance is sealed in the 9th episode of Alchemy of Souls Part 2 to stop the villain’s ill intentions to establish a new world in Daeho. Jang Wook goes on a mission to obliterate the furtive soul shifters who sided with Jin Mu while Bu-yeon continues to find...
Like reading an engrossing book, Payback vaunted a deft and solid story threading on revenge and justice-seeking heroes. In the backdrop of a money cartel run by affluent criminals who have conspired with high-ranking government officials, the series is off to a good start. abbyinhallyuland watches Paybackon Prime Video Opening...
Discovering a village unaffected by the marriage prohibition he initially declared, Lee Heon executed bold moves showing an unfazed attitude toward Minister Kim in the 7th episode of The Forbidden Marriage. Spurred by how he worries about Sorang, his rescue operation with Shin-won also discovers the worsening abduction cases of...