Nevertheless star Han So Hee bails out of the film Gentleman due to health reasons. On August 4, her agency U-ATTO Entertainment made an official statement confirming the actress getting off the project. According to the agency, Han So Hee was motivated to appear in the movie. However, due to...
A24’s upcoming film Past Lives brings Yoo Teo, Greta Lee, John Magaro, and more to work together for the movie The producer of Minari and Moonlight, A24, unfolds another film, Past Lives. Furthermore, A24 and CJ Entertainment join hands to co-finance and produce the movie. Directed by Celine Song, the audience expects a foreign touch and...
The Korean Film Council affirmed that Escape From Mogadishu topped at the box office on the first day of its release. Acquiring an audience of 136,741 on the 28th, the film seizes the highest opening record among Korean films that were released this year. Ranking second is Boss Baby: Family Business with 34,236...
Bang Min Ah claims an impressive career milestone for the film Snowball. Bang Min-Ah receives this year’s International Rising Star Award for the movie Snowball Directed by Lee Woo-jung. Snowball is film based on the award-winning novel The Best Life by Lim Sol-Ah. It focuses on the struggles of a teenage...
The 20th New York Asian Film Festival honors the fantasy and action-packed film, Spiritwalker as the winner of Daniel A. Craft Award for Excellence in Action Cinema. From August 6 to 22, the 20th New York Asian Film Festival holds its event virtually and physically. The festival adds The Genre Masters section,...
For Filipino Korean film enthusiasts craving some horror and thriller films, you might want to add Metamorphosis and The Throne to your list! Prepare to be at the edge of your seats in these new film offerings filled with horror and suspense. Currently available now on VIVAMAX, Metamorphosis unleashes a new...
The two popular Korean artists are confirmed in a light crime entertainment movie. Gentleman tells the story of a president of a company who gets entangled in a huge case to get rid of a murder frame. To clear his name, he works together with a prosecutor to untangle the...
Kang Chan Hee and Park Yu Na are decked to meet movie enthusiasts through White Day! The fantasy horror film 화이트데이: 귀멸의 퇴마학교 White Day: Exorcism of Demons School (LT) by Director Song Woon has been confirmed to premiere in September. White Day (WT) is a horror fantasy depicting the...
The second poster of Sinkhole was released, showing the desperate looks of the lead characters fighting for their lives. Directed by Kim Ji Hoon, the film narrates the events that happened to the residents when a newly built villa fell to a 500 meters underground sinkhole. Having different occupations and lives,...
Filipino audience is up for another thrilling film as the Shin Min-Ah-starrer becomes available for local streaming this July. Diva, the South Korean mystery thriller is about a prizewinner athlete at her wit’s end. Lee Young portrayed by Shin Min Ah, is lauded as the “Diva of the Diving World”...