C-Drama Review: “Cute Programmer” Skittishly Apprise That Love Can Be Found in Unanticipated Ways

Cute Programmer facilely tells that sometimes love has its perfect timing if you patiently wait for it.

The drama narrates the story of a woman who is in love for five years with a man who doesn’t even know her sole existence. Is it possible for love to form even after all these years?

  • Main Cast: Xing Zhao Lin | Bambi Zhu
  • Supporting Cast: Yi Da Qian | Guan Xin | Tian Yi Tong | Joy Sheng | Jun Sheng
  • Thrill/Addictive Meter:
  • Overall Rating:
  • Rewatch Value:

Dramas of Similar Vibes: Love 020 | Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

Sammmeh_ watched Cute Programmer on WeTV

cute programmer

Cute Programmer Quick Plot Recap

Studying computer programming, Lu-Li (Bambi Zhu) has always been in love with her educational field, even though computers are usually associated with men. Being a woman, she always strives hard and does her best so that she can be successful in her chosen track.

cute programmer

Besides being focused on her studies, she also has romantic feelings with Jiang Yi Cheng  (Xing Zhao Lin), her senior at the university. Yi-cheng has the looks, brains and he came from a well-off family.

However, Yi-cheng doesn’t care about romance and is a bit insensitive. Later on, he became the boss of Enchant Technology who develops online games. He also has the talent of excellent programming and coding that’s why when he was still a student, Yi-Cheng is at the top of his class.

cute programmer

As for Lu-Li, she dreams to work in Enchant Technology because of Yi-Cheng. However, Yi-Cheng doesn’t want any female programmers in the company because of a bitter experience. Since Lu-Li is ambitious, she cross-dresses as a man and is able to get hired in the company.

Lu-Li’s plan doesn’t stay long because it was blown up. However, the mother of Yi-Cheng got an idea that Lu-Li should be paired up with his son so that he can get married. As if they were in a game, they pretend to be in love even though, Yi-Cheng has no feelings at all for Lu-Li.

As they live under one roof, Yi-Cheng gradually falls in love with Lu-Li and every little thing that she is.

Cute Programmer Peak Points (Spoilers Alert!)

Getting Out of Gender Societal Norms

In the 21st century, technology has become a part and a necessity for everyone. Even students, employees, politicians, and other professions are drawn because of its importance.

Cute Programmer gives a glimpse of the reality of our world today. Many game developers became wealthy because many people are addicted and like playing games. 

The role of Lu-Li breaks the standard that computers and games are always intertwined with men. I like how her character breaks the stigma of gender norms. Moreover, I like how the drama shows that women can also do what men can.

cute programmer

Since it’s normal for us to see a male working with computers, it’s also excellent that the drama goes out of the box and tells its audience that women can get out of the norms that society dictates.

Patience is the Key!

In terms of the romance, Lu-Li never gets tired of admiring Yi-Cheng even though she spent five years being in love with him. She even disguises herself as a man just to be hired at Yi-Cheng’s company. 

cute programmer

When the time was right, Lu-Li grabbed her chance so that Yi-Cheng can notice her. It seems that fate was in favor of Lu-Li’s desire to be with Yi-Cheng. 

Those five years show that Lu-Li’s feelings for Yi-Cheng are not a simple infatuation bat rather true feelings of love. Even though, at first, Yi-Cheng seems uninterested in Lu-Li along the way he realized that they are fitted to be with each other. 

cute programmer

That’s why Cute Programmer has a happy ending. Yi-Cheng proposed to Lu-Li and they even got a baby. Just like other relationships, Yi-Cheng and Lu-Li’s romance isn’t easy because there are people who came back and cause a dilemma to them.

However, they still fought for their love and chose to be with each other’s time for a very long time.

Cute Programmer Series Musings 

To be honest, the plot of Cute Programmer is not new. However, I appreciate the splendid combination of Xing Zhao Lin and Bambi Zhu.

They portrayed their characters well, and I can sense that they did a good job in being programmers. 

The drama doesn’t have any super hard dilemmas and it is well taken care of. Maybe what I love the most in the drama is how Lu-Li fights for her dream of being a programmer.

cute programmer

As someone who is not in the field of technology, I must say that being in that field is not easy. That’s why I’ve got a lot of respect for those people who know how to reprogram or even reformat a laptop because I can’t do those without the help of tutorial videos I found on YouTube.

Overall, this drama doesn’t give me any headaches or stress, because just like Intense Love and Perfect and Casual it has a simple plot which is good if you’re looking for a drama you just want to enjoy.

International fans can watch Cute Programmer on WeTV!

Photos: WeTV

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