“Bad Prosecutor” Episode 7 Corners An Unscrupulous Prosecutor

Bad Prosecutor

With help from A-ra and his team, Jin Jung is closer to finding the “main man” orchestrating the atrocities in Bad Prosecutor.

Setting up traps and securing an infallible witness; the hero’s noble goal to protect the integrity of the prosecutors’ office is in full swing.

abbyinhallyuland watched Bad Prosecutor on KOCOWA and Viu

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | 05 | 06| 07| 08| 09 & 10 | 11 | Finale + Series Review |

Bad Prosecutor

Bad Prosecutor Episode 7 Highlights

Put on a wanted list, Jin Jung moves to solve what he uncovered about District Prosecutor Kim. A-ra also helps him with his mission.

“This is how I roll. If I can’t kill someone, at least I will bring them to the brink of death.”

Revealing himself to District Head Prosecutor Kim, Jin Jung pushes to bargain. But his senior mocks the recording evidence he has. Thus, he moves to reveal the recording uploaded to the prosecutors’ bulletin board.

Securing a trump card, Jin Jung requests to return back to his post as if nothing happened. He then proceeds to get substantial evidence about the case. Fortunately, his sibling Jung-do is equipped with godly hacking skills and got the information they need about the medical examiner who did Prosecutor Lee’s autopsy report.

Sharing his plan to trap the medical examiner in revealing who fabricated the autopsy report, A-ra struggles with her usual upright conviction but relents nonetheless. They go to a gambling house and discover A-ra’s lucky hand. But just when she’s going all-in for the lucky cards she got; their target appears.

Bad Prosecutor

Unfortunately, the medical examiner opted to claim he did the fabrication of his own volition. That puts him on an expressway ticket to death as he’s obviously going to be silenced.

Staging an abduction with his siblings, Jin Jung posed as the rescuer of the medical examiner. They then learn about Do-hwan reaching out to him first to take the fall. Using the safety of his family, he was left with no choice but to agree.

Learning about the medical examiner’s vanishing, Prosecutor Kim sought CEO Seo’s help. The latter’s wisdom tips Prosecutor Kim on where the medical practitioner could be.

Bad Prosecutor

“Let me give you an advice. If you can’t bite, don’t bark.”

While CEO Seo’s men discover the investigator working with Do-hwan; Jin Jung meets Prosecutor Kim. Offering a chummier relationship, Jin Jung refused and go straight to the point of his intention who is pulling the strings behind Prosecutor Kim.

At the safe house, just as the medical examiner was about to confess, Prosecutor Kim’s men arrived. Alerted by A-ra, Prosecutor Kim gives Jin Jung a devilish smile.

About to sign a forced resignation letter, A-ra was able to reach Jin Jung who almost accepted Prosecutor Kim’s declaration that the game was over.

Almost losing the medical examiner to Prosecutor Kim’s men; Jin Jung and his team luckily saved him thanks to A-ra who planted her phone on his jacket.

The next day, Jin Jung enters Prosecutor Kim’s office and arrests him for multiple law-breaking acts he’s done.

Bad Prosecutor

Bad Prosecutor Episode 7 Musings

Jin Jung overcomes one obstacle in pursuit of the case involving Prosecutor Lee. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg, and he needs more than luck, innate skills and help from friends to accomplish it.

More details about what caused Prosecutor Park to be placed in a dummy office were unveiled in this episode. Based on the shared information, he has crucial evidence that can obliterate the monster of Kangsan Law Firm, Seo Hyun-kyu.

The villain appears to have recruited a new face in his fiend harem as one, unfortunately, got trapped by Jin Jung. It is also hinted that Hyun-kyu has a connection with Jin Jung which most likely be unveiled in the remaining episodes.

We can feel that Prosecutor Park might sacrifice or be sacrificed in the expected showdown to take down Hyun-kyu.

Can Jin Jung ride on the momentum or will he get thwarted by the almost invincible power of the villain?

Support Prosecutor Jin Jung on his quest to live as an efficient public servant in Bad Prosecutor! International fans can watch it on KOCOWA and Viu!

Photos/Videos: KBS Drama

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