“Bad Prosecutor” Episodes 3 and 4 Confront Inconceivable Betrayal Coming From Unexpected Person

bad Prosecutor

Deciphering the person or people behind Prosecutor Lee’s death officially begins for Jin Jung in the second week of Bad Prosecutor!

It sure looks labyrinthine. Good thing Jin Jung is under a mantra to uphold justice at all costs, even forsaking the proper way to do it.

abbyinhallyuland watched Bad Prosecutor on KOCOWA and Viu

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 & 04 | 05 | 06| 07| 08| 09 & 10 | 11 | Finale + Series Review |

Bad Prosecutor

Bad Prosecutor Episodes 3 and 4 Highlights

After being held up at the airport police for questioning, Prosecutor Jin Jung rushes to where the appointment of district prosecutor is being held. But he arrived early since the event was delayed for an hour.

On his crowning moment as Chief Prosecutor, Lee Jang-won is declared the prime suspect in the murder of a woman. Venting his frustrations to Prosecutor Oh Do-hwan, he orders him to fix the situation or he will also be implicated.

“What kind of prosecutor are you? Other people call me defective. But I’m proud of it.”

Trying to convince Jin Jung to retract his words, Do-hwan’s questioning was halted when Prosecutor Shin A-ra declares a document from Prosecutor Kim absolving Jin Jung’s aviation misdemeanor.

But Do-hwan gets hold of the witness that Jin Jung has kept and overturns the event by declaring his testimony was coerced.

Do-hwan also gets crucial information from him which Jin Jung also got from Prosecutor Lee.

Subsequently completing the task to steal the USB with captured photos from the witness, Jin Jung confronts Prosecutor Lee. However, the latter gives a convincing alibi and says he did not kill the victim. Later, he calls Jin Jung to meet at a place, but he soon meets a masked man who injected a drug into him.

As soon as Jin Jung was about to meet the deputy prosecutor at their rendezvous point, a loud thump hit his car revealing the dead body of Prosecutor Lee.

“Congratulations District Prosecutor Kim.”

Convinced that Prosecutor Lee could have been murdered, Jin Jung works to find hard evidence. Hitting a roadblock because the autopsy ruled out suicide, Jin Jung took a shot and asks Prosecutor Lee’s daughter to agree to another autopsy. He requests his old college professor for help.

Professor Lee’s daughter also shares crucial information about how she saw her father with a yellow envelope about to meet someone the last time she saw her. The person her father meets is Civil Affairs’ Office’s Prosecutor Park Jae-kyung.

Meanwhile, Seo Ji-han, a lawyer from a big law firm meets the prime minister to push his father’s recommendation as the next prosecutor. His father Seo Hyun-kyu appears to be a big shot among the government officials in high positions. He offers the cure for his daughter’s current medical condition. It turns out that his recommendation is Prosecutor Kim Tae-ho who has been helping A-ra and Jin Jung.

Confirming the first autopsy report was fabricated, Jin Jung goes for the true culprit. However, Prosecutor Oh arrives to arrest him as the main suspect in Prosecutor Lee’s death.

Bad Prosecutor Episodes 3 and 4 Musings

Sprinkled with ample humor that would lead viewers to a quick burst of laughter, Bad Prosecutor gives a hooking vibe that you can’t also fathom where it’s coming from. Probably the quirkiness of the characters or maybe the new kind of unpredictability it is showing.

The trajectory of the series appears to track a powerful villain in hiding. Adding that to prosecutors Jae-kyung and Tae-hos’ back stories; internal corruption in the organization might take the bulk of the narrative.

To run for 12 episodes, the pacing of the story is on a speedy note just like the hero of the series who likes to expedite everything when it comes to investigation.

The unexpected discovery of Prosecutor Kim’s deceitful nature indeed was a shocking revelation. But as a cushion, let’s wait for future episodes if this is just part of the many surprising turns that the narrative will give.

Support Prosecutor Jin Jung on his quest to live as an efficient public servant in Bad Prosecutor! International fans can watch it on KOCOWA and Viu!

Photos: KBS Drama | SC from Viu

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