Lee Dong Wook & Jo Bo Ah Learn About Their Veiled & Dangerous Enemy In “Tale Of The Nine Tailed” Episode 6

tale of the nine tailed

Confronting an arduous task ahead, Lee Yeon and Ji-ah need a fortified fortress to protect their time-defying love in Tale of the Nine Tailed.

This episode of Tale of the Nine Tailed was shot mostly in one setting, but it has a jam-packed details that prelude to the problems set to be tackled by the lead love pairing

tale of the nine tailed

Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | Mid-Series | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Finale

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Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 6 Key Moments

Lee Yeon’s old friend

Swept by the moment and longing that traces back to Joseon era, Lee Yeon (Lee Dong Wook) scoops a kiss on Ji-ah’s lips. Regaining her sanity, she chides Lee Yeon on his action, thinking the impulsive kiss is triggered by his first love’s memory.

She asserts that he look at her as the pretty-faced Ji-ah (Jo Bo Ah). Stopping by at the fortune-teller’s room, the eccentric seer drops Ji-ah’s past as a princess which Lee Yeon is aware of. They then head to meet the district magistrate who prepared a “combat welcome” before he can entertain his guests.

Meanwhile, Lee Rang (Kim Bum) also visits the fortune-teller for the tiger’s eyelashes that can see through the past of a person. However, he was tasked to bring something precious in exchange of his request.

The truth about Ji-ah’s parents vanishing

After subduing the district’s magistrate’s fighters, Lee Yeon faces him in bare strength combat. After defeating his old friend, Lee Yeon officially introduces the district magistrate (portrayed by Lee Kyu Hyung) to Ji-ah.

They learn of a mortal who visited three months before the accident. The district magistrate also reveal that the incident is actually intended for Ji-ah. Warning Lee Yeon, he also revealed that the man mentioned Ji-ah bearing the mark of a King.

Ji-ah gave up fox’s marble

Deliberating his most precious thing, Lee Rang pesters his hyung with incessant calls. They meet at the fortune-teller’s room and Lee Yeon was appraised and claimed by the soothsayer through his deal with Lee Rang.

Crossed on following Lee Rang who would lead them to the human who approached the district magistrate, Ji-ah chooses to rummage on her precious things to save Lee Yeon who was captured inside the fortune-tellers magical bag.

She brings the broken music box which is her parents’ last gift, but it is not deemed worthy to bail Lee Yeon out. Sensing Ji-ah’s special energy, the seer led her to give up the fox marble protecting her.

Freed by Ji-ah, Lee Yeon visits grandma Taluipa and confirms the survival of the imoogi he thought he killed. Ji-ah, on the other hand, connects to the child imoogi in her dream.

Tale of the Nine Tailed Episode 6 Musings

Episode 6 of Tale of the Nine Tailed unearthed important notes we all need to remember as we thread to the culminating part of the series.

Is Ji-ah a horcrux of the imoogi? I have suffered a handful of trauma in “neither will live while the other survives” concept. So, I hope our heroes are equipped enough to battle out the villain.

Because we saw him turning a dead bird back to life. If he will have multiple lives, can Lee Yeon at least summon reinforcement like his past K-Drama supernatural life as a Grim Reaper? And then bring in Goblin if in case the imoogi is too powerful? *wink

Did Lee Yeon’s marble protect Ji-ah on the night she lost her parents? What would happen now since she traded the marble?

tale of the nine tailedtale of the nine tailed

Lee Yeon asked the right question to grandma Taluipa on the value of his first love’s sacrifice. I honestly have a lot of questions that I know I have to patiently wait the next episodes to see if it will be answered.

Interestingly, Lee Rang’s precious thing hints on possible redeeming moment for him. He has 10 episodes left to change for the better. I am going to pray for it earnestly.

Tale of the Nine Tailed is swiftly moving not to mention adding hefty details along the way. Make sure to keep a tab on it diligently and take notes too.

It airs every Wednesday and Thursday on tvN.

Photos/Videos: tvN

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