Breaking grounds in a foreign setting, Big Bet ventures on a story packed with crime and corruption. Initially seeming light, the story of a man with humble beginnings turns darker as he becomes a legend outside his country. Confronting uncomfortable truths from both countries featured, the series depicts a realistic...
TVING’s original series, Island sets to sail its second part on February 24. Island is a fantasy action drama depicting the journey of characters who are destined to fight against the evil that is trying to destroy the world. For the first time in Korean content, Amazon Prime Video was...
Returning to the small screen, Park Hyung Sik challenges the role of a lonely Crown Prince in Our Blooming Youth. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in...
Cho Seung Woo, Han Hye Jin, Kim Sung Kyun and Jung Moon Sung are set to decorate the eagerly-awaited JTBC series, Divorce Attorney Shin. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes...
Disney+ original series, Call It Love, predicts engaging chemistry of the lead cast: Kim YoungKwang, Lee Sung Kyung, Sung Joon, Ahn Hee Yeon, and Kim Ye Won. Revenge-romance series Call It Love tells the story of a man and a woman who shouldn’t have met. Woo-joo, a woman who bravely...
Seemingly a tribute to unmarried breadwinners taking care of their families, Crash Course In Romance hints at a picture of how a special connection can thrive even with bad first impressions. tvN’s new weekend series, Crash Course In Romance, is familiar but nonetheless fun on its first-week outing. The good...
MBC’s highly-anticipated historical series, Lovers, has rounded up the main leads that would decorate the story. Previously announced as the lead pairing are Namgoong Min and Ahn Eun Jin. Today, it was revealed that Lee Hak Joo and Lee Da In are joining as the main leads. MBC Taps Namgoong...
Reprising his role in Taxi Driver 2, Lee Je Hoon conveyed stories about his well-loved series and shared a sneak peek of what to expect in the new season. Taxi Driver 2 continues the journey of a team of employees in a deluxe taxi company that helps exploited victims seek...
The unease caused by the feud between Go Ah-in and Choi Chang-soo is a major factor in the uproar that Agency generates. Agency’s new episodes depict Go Ah-in (Lee Bo Young) prevailing despite all challenges in the advertising world. Anemone watches Agency at K-Plus Episode Recaps: 01 & 02 |...
Scheduled to stream on February 17, Netflix’s original film, Unlocked, releases new teaser photos. Unlocked is a realistic thriller about an ordinary office worker who loses her smartphone containing all her personal information and begins to face threats in her daily life. It contains the worst situations that can happen...