MBC affirms the newest drama lead pair for its Friday-Saturday spot! 꼭두의 계절 The Season of Kkokdu (LT) tells the story of the “god of death” who comes down to earth to punish humans every 99 years. He then meets a doctor with cryptic abilities while assuming a visiting doctor...
ENA’s new midweek series puts forward teasers featuring Lee Da Hee and Choi Si Won. We can definitely feel the projected friendship-turned-romance story delighting our K-Drama binge-watch schedule in Love That Will Freeze To Death (LT). The series tells the story of long-time friends Yeo-reum and Jae-hoon. They unexpectedly meet...
Sprightly amusing, One Dollar Lawyer thrives with comforting lessons that also inspire a purposeful life. Stressing the reality that kindness is always free, One Dollar Lawyer nudged on how we can choose to become modern heroes in our own way like Cheon Ji-hun. abbyinhallyuland watches One Dollar Lawyer on Disney+...
Two lawyers who have opposing personalities yet quasi-similar convictions are heading to courtroom adventures in May It Please The Court. Quietly raising its why-to-watch-the-series invitation, the premiere week honestly feels prosaic. The preview of the story ahead appears conventional legal Korean drama that deals with power aspirations and revenge. Whether...
The picturesque yellow cottage surrounded by trees as featured by Love in Contract is Onbit Recreational Forest. In case you want to channel Park Min Young’s energy you can visit the place as it is open all year round and is also free. Love In Contract tells the story of...
Eagerly-awaited K-series sequels and upcoming dramas are officially launched at Netflix’s TUDUM Korea. Along with that, TUDUM Korea announced two new Korean entertainment shows and a romantic film that are set to delight and intrigue viewers. Hosted by Choi Minho and Cho Yi Hyun, the global event acquainted K-Drama and...
Confirming Jung Man-chun’s alibi for the recent cases in Blind, Sung-jun becomes unsure of who the real perpetrator is. While still recovering in the hospital, Sung-jun jumps into the new murder case. As the murder is similar to the first joker case, jurors who were last seen with Ms. Yeom...
Inspiring viewers to find someone sealed with a hundred percent love, Love In Contract whips an interesting love triangle perfect for your romantic story cravings. Even for people who seem to be romantically incompetent, the flavors of this new tvN midweek series make a convincing pitch about varying colors of...
Strong messages on human greed and covetousness are bound to be relayed in MBC drama Golden Spoon. Launched today, lead stars Yook Sung Jae, Lee Jong Won and Yeonwoo attended the drama presentation. Along with them, PD Song Hyun-wook and supporting actors Choi Won Young, Choi Dae Cheol, Han Chae...
PH JEBBIES, zoom in here! Let’s pump up the excitement before we finally see the toughest eonni, Jessi, perform her greatest hits! Jessi has been on top of trending lists not just with her magnetic discography but also with her irresistible presence in her variety show appearances. Debuting in 2005...