Prison Playbook fulfills its initial promise of showing an interesting dark comedy about the life of the convicts inside a jailhouse. A sweet, funny, and at times, painful daily isolated...
Sports-themed drama, Racket Boys is ready to smash heartening moments with its confirmed first broadcast date! The series officially premieres on May 31 via SBS at 10 PM KST. It...
Not long ago, Nam Joo Hyuk and Park Byung Eun showed support to The Great Battle brotherhood by going to the sea. In their latest summer photoshoot, the two actors...
A lot of great enthralling things happened in the first two episodes of Dark Hole! Definitely, we need more episodes to present the story’s projected route. If you like thrillers...
The search for the real culprit who killed Seo Byung Ju continues in Law School! We also now have a clear grasp of the series’ interesting episode format. For episodes...
We really have to give it to Taxi Driver for drawing engrossing scenarios in its highlighted stories! For episodes 5 to 8, career people would be engaged in the workplace...
Three unrested spirits were given proper closure in the 3rd week of Sell Your Haunted House! Tackling ghosts who faced cruel treatment, Sell Your Haunted House episodes 5 and 6...
Viu, PCCW’s leading pan-regional OTT video streaming service, unveiled the expansion of Viu Pitching Forum to Thailand. Viu Pitching Forum empowers and facilitates creative development in major markets across the...
We can’t wait to bask in friendship, music, and life-affirming messages in Hospital Playlist 2! Coming to our Netflix schedule this June 17, fans have been waiting, and super excited...
PCCW’s leading pan-regional OTT video streaming service, Viu, gears up for the premiere of the highly-anticipated historical series, Hong Cheon Gi. Right after announcing the second Korean Viu Original Doom...