Viu presents a special screening of Lee Joon Gi’s highly anticipated drama Again My Life at Zouk on April 8. Based on a popular webtoon and novel, Again My Life revolves around the life of Kim Hee-woo, a righteous and fiery prosecutor who has no qualms about standing up to...
Saving Shin Ha-ri’s pride, Kang Tae-mu pretends to be her perfect boyfriend in the latest episode of Business Proposal. Kang Tae-mu finally confesses his feelings for Shin Ha-ri. However, given their different status, Ha-ri believes she is not the right person for him. Meanwhile, Cha Sung Hoon finds Jin Young-seo’s...
Portraying a character with a dialect for Hot Blooded, Jung Woo recalls his past roles who also had the Busan accent. Set in the outskirts of Busan, Hot Blooded depicts the battle of gangsters fighting for survival at a port in Busan. Known for his roles in Wish and the...
With totally opposing charms, jTBC affirms its newest male leads will dashingly seize spectators’ attention in Cleaning Up. Cleaning Up chronicles the story of three sisters from a brokerage firm who were embroiled in a stock war after stumbling onto insider trading information. Between livelihood and survival, the three sisters...
A charming treat for a campus youth drama, Rookie Cops knows how to appreciate friendship while learning valuable life experiences. Knowing the right time to energize the story, the series is such a breezy watch. Despite the faint drawbacks, it has made sure to avoid run-the-mill problems typical of school-set...
In jTBC’s Cleaning Up, the three actresses are set to conspire a dangerous ploy against a securities company. Produced by Drama House Studios Inc., the series will be helmed by Yoon Seong Sik (Hwarang, Bridal Mask) and penned by Choi Kyung Mi (Return). Cleaning Up traverses the story of three...
In the recent episode of Twenty Five Twenty One, Hee-do moves forward to kiss Yi-jin as they celebrate the new year together. Hee-do’s mom persuades her to prepare for the college exams, which she initially had no intentions of taking. Only Ji-woong and Hee-do take the CSAT as Seung-wan, who...
Helping Ji-woong out, Yi-jin also takes a trip back to his old memories in Twenty Five Twenty One. Cherishing the chairs that her father has made, Hee-do confronts her mother for avoiding any conversation related to her late father. With the honest request of Ji-woong, Yi-jin fetches Yu-rim and Hee-do...
Rising from her deplorable situation, Woo-hyun made sure the chance given to her would not go to waste in the second week’s episodes of Kill Heel! Surprising character details are also unveiled in the 3rd and 4th episodes of the series. abbyinhallyuland watches Kill Heel on Viu Episode Recaps: 01...
Unveiling teasers for Yaksha: Ruthless Operations, Netflix is set to give an arresting spy action movie on April 8! Yashka: Ruthless Operations follows the story of a breathtaking battle among a team of NIS agents, a special inspection prosecutor, and agents of various national intelligence agencies. It is a spy...