The series is confirmed to air on KBS2 in the first half of 2022. Based on a popular webtoon, Jinx’s Lover, comes alive to tell the magical story of a goddess of luck and a man with an unlucky fate. In the series, Na In Woo portrays Gong Su-kwang, a man...
Star-studded tvN series, Our Blues, clinches its launch date on April 9! To be penned by acclaimed writer Noh Hee Kyung, the new tvN’s Saturday drama will be directed by Kim Gyu Tae. Our Blues is a work that chronicles the sweet and bitter lives of all who stand at...
Scoring three impressive feats, Squid Game added new achievements after notching awards at the 28th SAG Awards. Out of the four nominations, Squid Game bags three as both Lee Jung Jae and Jung Ho Yeon secured Outstanding Male and Female actor awards in a drama series. His reaction says it...
WELOs, let your light sticks shine to a virtual fan meeting date with Ong Seong Wu! Promising eventful memories with his fans, the singer-actor is all decked to meet his fans on March 12 for his second fan meeting titled, RE: MEET. The event reunites Ong Seong Wu with his...
In charge to search “the woman who vanished after saving the world”, the Administrative Bureau Office has finally scored a huge development in the second episode of Grid. However, the fruit of their hard labor might be picked by another team as they were excluded from the investigation. Detective Jung...
Our favorite clumsy but diligent aspiring police officers are given fieldwork assignments in the latest episodes of Rookie Cops, and they definitely excelled! The special friendship bond is also getting stronger among them as they commit to being at each other’s back without questions and judgment. abbyinhallyuland watches Rookie Cops...
Qualifying as part of the National Team, Hee-do faces new struggles in Twenty Five Twenty One. For Hee-do who has done her best in the competition, she becomes part of the national team and begins training with them. As his father causes trouble for his younger brother, Yi-jin disappears from...
Providing some spike to the relatively romantic mood of K-Dramas on Netflix next month are four riveting series worth keeping tabs on! A new batch of Korean dramas joins the thriving Netflix weekly schedule for K-Drama fans. In case you missed it, Thirty Nine, Forecasting Love and Weather, and Twenty...
Unimaginable terrors in a place of education, Who Are You: School 2015 imparts meaningful messages to the youth and adults. Each school life experience may be unique, but no one deserves to have a traumatic one. The series has emphasized key issues that students face with regards to their academics...
Leaving behind another notable work in K-Drama history, we simply can’t get enough of comforting stories like those in Ghost Doctor. Providing countless eye-opening lessons, the series surely made a lasting imprint on our hearts with its lighthearted story that is both entertaining and gratifying to watch. Also, it highlights...