tvN’s new weekend drama promises to chase dreams and romance when it launches next month. Revealing the character posters of its lead pairing, Twenty-Five Twenty-One preps to gift viewers with an engrossing story. The series traces stories of young romance and friendship in the backdrop of the turbulent East Asian...
Realizing prominence owing to globally acknowledged drama productions, the 2021 Korean Dramas ensured incorporating relevant and essential lessons. From career, love, relationships and everything in between that encompass life; there were enough lingering messages to get from this season’s must-watch picks. Parading hero-centric stories, imaginative thrillers and historical romance dramas...
Torn between the “call of duty” and “call of love”, Suho makes a risky choice in the 9th episode of Snowdrop. What he’s not prepared for is how the weight of his care to the woman he’s willing to protect is not the same as what she feels for him....
Fascinating viewers with its nostalgic mood, Twenty Five Twenty One previews the love journey shared by the lead pairing. Twenty-Five Twenty-One chronicles the wandering and growth of young people who have had their dreams forsaken in the 1998 era. From youthful romance stories to the chemistry of five young people...
With the initial lie holding her back to accept the love she mutually feels, Yun-ju gets an adorable love chase and birthday date from Yoon Tae-in in the 9th episode of Let Me Be Your Knight. Finally, Woo-yeon also learned about Yun-ju’s misfortune and embraced the pain of unrequited love....
Birthcare Center draws a comfortable and realistic portrayal of every newly giving-birth mom’s ups and downs about child-rearing. Being a mom is a step that every woman possibly experiences in their life. After marriage, the next step for the couple to consider is having children. Birthcare Center is a place...
With all of its nostalgic goodness, Sunny warmly captures the drama and fun of catching up with high school friends. Movie Rating: Hyorifeels watched on Netflix. Sunny Quick Plot Recap Im Na Mi (Yoo Heo Jeong), devotedly cleans the house and cooks for her busy husband and equally busy daughter....
Finding similarities with Baek Young Joo’s case, Su Yeol gradually sees memories from his childhood in Bad and Crazy. The daughter of a fired cop, Baek Young Joo, murders her father but surrenders herself to the police. Although it was confirmed that drugs were found in her body, Su Yeol’s...
Braving the odds so she can escape the dormitory and pay respect to her deceased brother, Young-ro uses the mutual attraction she shares with Su-ho in the 8th episode of Snowdrop. Meanwhile, both Gang-mu and Han-na are realizing the hidden agenda of their superiors in the current hostage situations. Albeit...
Having arrested Andrei and Captain Kim, Hui Gyeom treats Su Yeol’s wounds in Bad and Crazy. Much progress happens with the police force’s search for the distributor of the drug called The Eye. With Su Yeol and Hui Gyeom’s escape from the truck, they are able to pinpoint Andrei as...