Selected for the New York Times Best International Shows of 2021, Netflix announces a second season for D.P. Netflix affirmed the production of Season 2 for D.P., which premiered on August 27th of this year. The series is highly-lauded for bringing hidden social issues to light. D.P. follows Deserter Pursuit Unit...
There are shameless websites like that have been republishing our articles without our permission and without remorse. Our articles are written with utmost effort, disciplined drama coverage and genuine passion to promote K-Drama content. Thus, it’s really disheartening for websites like to do something disrespectful like this and...
Igniting expectations for its action-packed, thrilling pursuit, MBC confirmed the launch date of Tracer as its first Friday-Saturday drama in 2022. Scheduled to air on January 7, the upcoming Korean drama series Tracer unfolds the story of vengeance against the Tax Division of the Seoul Regional Office. Moreover, gearing up for...
Bad and Crazy is ready to mount a year-end treat for K-Drama fans! Primed for its global launch, the series held an international press conference earlier today. The series is a heroic drama that follows capable but bad cop Ryu Su Yeol regaining his humanity after meeting the righteous but...
Acquainting viewers to its big-cast production, Snowdrop releases teasers featuring the main characters. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student who hides and treats him in the midst of...
In the 10th episode of The Red Sleeve, Deok-im courageously dares to find the secret society’s list of members. With the possibility of Gwanghan Palace becoming exposed, Deok-im tries to locate the list on which Lady Seo signed her name and to have her name removed from it. Meanwhile, Head...
Colored with a faint but heartfelt love story, we got the best of both worlds in terms of thrill and romance in Happiness. Main Cast: Han Hyo Joo | Park Hyung Sik | Jo Woo Jin | Thrill/Addictive Meter: Overall Rating: Rewatch Value: Dramas of Similar Vibe: Sweet Home | L.U.C.A.:...
Powerful women in Mine gloriously recognize their identity as something they can truly call their own. In search of what they can call their own, people inside Hyowon mansion explore how far they could go. Along with that, women in Mine break barriers and liberate themselves from society’s judgment. Main...
Hometown certainly serves up riveting scenes with a nerve-wracking narrative that propels viewers on the edge of their seats! tvN’s Hometown provided a series of inexplicable killings with a peculiar serial killer who uses a mixtape to induce hallucination and hypnosis on his victims. This series undoubtedly handed over a...
Filled with music and romance, Shining Like You reveals to us the passion and battles of performing arts students behind the stage. Shining Like You also gives light on student sexual harassment and the dog-eat-dog competition in school and the performing industry. Despite this fierce fight, the students of the Southern University...