Wavve’s new original drama Tracer vaunts an intriguing teaser poster! Narrating an exhilarating chase action series, Tracer is a drama depicting the fifth division of National Tax Service. The team traces money hidden from the tax service. Hence the bureau is even deemed to be scarier than a judge for...
It’s happy news for the actors who have been dating for almost five years! Since confirming their relationship status in 2017, Park Shin Hye and Choi Tae Joon had carried on with their respective careers while keeping their love lowkey yet strong. The two started out their careers as promising...
A possible culprit comes to light following a series of mysterious circumstances, and one of the members of the classroom is forced to explain themselves or risk being regarded as the classroom ghost. The Mysterious Class keeps a steady pace forward as further mysteries continue surrounding a muttered curse, a...
Trust an accidental kiss to spark an ounce of magic. Albeit choosing to ignore that it happened, the lead pair of Let Me Be Your Knight is slowly getting closer. They may not be aware of it, but viewers can feel it. Bringing in secrets and family disappointments, the series...
JTBC’s The One and Only releases a teaser foreshadowing the three women’s final wish, which will premiere this December! The One and Only follows the story of three women as they meet at a hospice. Prior to their deaths, they scheme to kill one bad person. In the process, they...
Queen Maker creates a powerful synergy as actresses Kim Hee Ae and Moon So Ri collaborate in the anticipated powerhouse cast and narrative. Kim Hee Ae (The World Of Married, Mrs. Cop) will portray Hwang Do Hee, director of strategic planning for Eunsung Group, who is South Korea’s top actor...
Our Beloved Summer introduces Choi Woo Shik as a character accustomed to a minimalist life devoid of a proper dream. Our Beloved Summer chronicles the story of a former couple, who met after a decade apart due to the increasing popularity of the documentary they filmed together. Moreover, Choi Woo...
Rediscovering multiple facets of her acting range, Lee Yeon Hee proclaims King Lear as an unforgettable work! The actress completed her first theater stage challenge after three weeks of performance in Seoul. Lee Yeon Hee played two roles Cordelia, the third daughter of King Lear and the humorous clown. Perfectly...
Capping off Netflix’s scintillating K-Drama adventure this 2021 season, The Silent Sea sealed its premiere on December 24! Set in the year 2075 when the depletion of natural resources has devastated Earth, this Netflix Series tells the story of an elite team sent on a special mission to an abandoned...
Reminding us to check on our dear parents, Would You Like A Cup Of Coffee assures the special bond we share with them is always compassionate. This is especially true for normal relationships that have gone through the usual arguments. Once a child established a line of personal space, only...