Updating eagerly-awaiting viewers, Disney Plus releases character stills of the main leads of Grid. First unveiled at the Disney+ APAC content showcase, Grid is billed as a mystery chase thriller between a bureaucrat and a detective who uncovers the truth about a cryptic system that can save mankind from an...
Untangling a series of perfect crimes, Inspector Koo launched quite an enigma in its opening week. When the director of Inspector Koo mentioned the strangely gripping hook of this new JTBC series, he really mean it well. A lot happened in the first two episodes, and with Lee Young Ae...
Foreshadowing a powerful ensemble cast portrayal, Project Wolf Hunting reveals intense visual stills. The Wolf Hunting threads on the story of a mission to transport heinous criminals from the middle of the Pacific Ocean to Korea in three days, a task that even Interpol abandoned. Gracing the film are the lauded...
After clearing controversies, Kim Seon Ho is back on track in acting and officially debuts on the big screen for Sad Tropics. Following Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Kim Seon Ho planned to start shooting in November for Sad Tropics. However, a dispute about his ex-girlfriend spread on social media, making Kim Seon Ho’s...
A mixture of romance and thrilling stories abound K-Dramas on Viu this month! Watch out for highly-anticipated exclusive drama premieres of top actors including Song Hye Kyo and Kim Soo Hyun. Featuring well-represented story genres, every K-Drama fan can revel in these upcoming treats! 2021 K-Dramas on Viu: February &...
Present at the recent drama presentation of Happiness were lead actors Han Hyo Joo, Park Hyung Sik and Jo Woo Jin. Boasting pleasant chemistry, the lead stars share stories and insights about their latest series. Billed as a “new normal” city thriller, Happiness takes place in a time when infectious...
Yoo Ah In, Kim Hyun Joo, Park Jung Min, Won Jin Ah, and Yang Ik Jun are ready to welcome the “New World” in Netflix’s Hellbound. Arriving this 19th of November, Director Yeon Sang Ho’s webcomic Hellbound comes to life through the streaming giant Netflix. The well-known director, who directed Train To...
YG Entertainment unveils the teaser poster of upcoming web drama top-billed by TREASURE on the YG Family social pages. As listed in the image, the web drama will begin airing from 10 p.m. KST on Friday, 12 November. Episodes will be dropping on the official YouTube channel of TREASURE. According...
Destined to be rivals since before they were even born, Pran and Pat have the weight of their family’s hatred for one another bearing on their shoulders as each tries to one-up the other no matter the situation or circumstances. But do Pran and Pat really hate each other, or...
Sung-hye pounces with all her might and selfishness in episode 14 of One The Woman. Yeon-ju and the team need to huddle and execute their wild cards soon! Dropping their valiant attacks, the villains of the series have disarmed their opponents utilizing evil schemes and power. Can Team Yeonju make...