Breaking grounds in a foreign setting, Big Bet ventures on a story packed with crime and corruption. Initially seeming light, the story of a man with humble beginnings turns darker as he becomes a legend outside his country. Confronting uncomfortable truths from both countries featured, the series depicts a realistic...
Onto his last gamble in life after being entangled in a murder case, casino legend Cha Moo-sik continues his story on Big Bet Season 2. Disney+ announces that Big Bet Season 2 is scheduled to be released on February 15. Completing its story from the first season, the second season...
Cooperating with the Korean desk in Big Bet, Moo-sik contributes information on the recent murder. Launching an investigation into the murder found on a sugarcane field, Seung-hun hears out what Moo-sik has to say. Meanwhile, So-jung takes a run on Ms. Ko’s winnings, but Philip warns her of the dangers...
Learning about the murders that occurred, Moo-sik protects his connections in Big Bet. Adjusting to his new working conditions in the Philippines, Seung-hun begins his investigation on the CEO of Pastella. Meanwhile, Moo-sik learns about the murders his acquaintances committed. Marcie Line watched Big Bet on Disney+ Episode Recaps: 01-03...
Even with different locations, Moo-sik meets success in managing casinos in Big Bet. Becoming friends with prominent politicians in Manila, Moo-sik reaches new heights in running a casino. However, with the administration change, he moves to Caliz, but still becomes successful with Bolton in its opening. Meanwhile, Oh Seung-hun arrives...
Testing out a man’s luck in life, Big Bet dives into the mind of a gambler. Despite having the grit and resilience to fight whatever is thrown in life, a man’s origin finds its way to drag him down the same path he ought to avoid. Opening Week Rating: Marcie...