With an exceptionally talented and seasoned cast, The Silent Sea certainly delivers a perceptive K-Content series to the world! Rendering viewers a glimpse of what the world could become in the near future, Netflix’s series The Silent Sea urges us to protect our natural resources before we reach a point...
From the beginning of a vast mystery, The Silent Sea portends the elite members’ fates at the abandoned research station! Set in the near future, The Silent Sea chronicles the story of an elite team on a special mission to an abandoned research base on the moon, as resource depletion has...
Nearing its premiere date, the mystery-thriller drama The Silent Sea rounded up the introduction of the main cast. Set in the future, when food and water are scarce, elite members who are tasked on a special mission embark to the moon to see an abandoned lunar research facility with only...
Netflix’s series The Silent Sea evokes tension and anticipation with its enigmatic second poster and foreboding teaser trailer! The Silent Sea follows an elite team deployed on a special mission to an abandoned research base on the moon when natural resource depletion devastated the Earth in the year 2075. Searching...