Lee Joon, Kang Han Na, Jang Hyuk, Park Ji Yeon, Heo Sung Tae, Ha Do Kwon, and Choi Ri share their experiences of filming KBS2’s Bloody Heart. Another upcoming historical drama, Bloody Heart, is slated to premiere on May 2. Director Yoo Young Eun (Queen Of Mystery, Manhole) and Writer Park Pil...
Set against the backdrop of two people’s bittersweet fates, Bloody Heart sparks viewers’ expectations with the drama’s latest teasers. Bloody Heart is a historical drama directed by Yoo Young Eun and written by Park Pil Joo. It depicts the political conflict between a king (Lee Joon) and a kingmaker (Jang...
Nearing its premiere date, the mystery-thriller drama The Silent Sea rounded up the introduction of the main cast. Set in the future, when food and water are scarce, elite members who are tasked on a special mission embark to the moon to see an abandoned lunar research facility with only...
Netflix’s series The Silent Sea evokes tension and anticipation with its enigmatic second poster and foreboding teaser trailer! The Silent Sea follows an elite team deployed on a special mission to an abandoned research base on the moon when natural resource depletion devastated the Earth in the year 2075. Searching...
As KBS2 is on fire with recent successful feats in period dramas, a new one is coming up promising the same fate! Scheduled for Monday-Tuesday slot, 붉은 단심 Red Heart (LT) has confirmed Lee Joon, Kang Han Na and Jang Hyuk in the lead roles. Red Heart depicts a fictional...