Finally freed from a toxic marriage, Kim Jo Yi once again intertwines with Inspector Ra Yi Eon as she finally starts a new life in Secret Royal Inspector Joy! After finding leads with the investigation, Ra Yi Eon continues to search for pieces of evidence while hiding his identity. Along with...
OCN’s Dark Hole gave an overview of the series through its two main leads pictured in a distressing situation. Touted as an action-thriller-human-survival drama, Dark Hole traverses the desperate survival of people against mutants that were mysteriously created by inhaling cryptic dark smoke from a sinkhole. To be directed by...
OCN’s upcoming dramatic cinema project has confirmed Kim Ok Bin and Lee Joon Hyuk in the main leads. Touted as an action-thriller-human-survival drama, 다크홀 Dark Hole (LT) traverses the desperate survival of people against mutants that were mysteriously created by inhaling cryptic dark smoke from a sinkhole. To be directed...