Still searching for the silver mine, The Secret Royal Inspector Joy and the others worked together to save Bi Ryung and catch Tae Seo. However, their search and rescue operation “took” the life of Secret Royal Inspector Joy. The celebration of corrupt officials quickly ended when Ra Yi Eon used his...
As Kim Jo Yi continues to fall for the royal inspector, she can’t hide her feelings in the recent episode of Secret Royal Inspector Joy. After finding other illegal activities of Park Tae Seo, the Secret Royal Inspector Joy bravely searches for his hideout despite knowing the dangers ahead. sun_drae watches Secret Royal...
The recent episode of Secret Royal Inspector Joy signals a comical and heart-fluttering love between Ra Yi Eon and Kim Jo Yi. Fighting alongside them are Yook Chil, Goo Pal, Kwang Soon, Bi Ryung, and a group of traveling entertainers. As their plan is about to fail, the Secret Royal Inspector Joy prepares a...
As Ra Yi Eon and Kim Jo Yi part their way, another unforeseen event intertwines them to continue working side-by-side in Secret Royal Inspector Joy. New enemies also started to hunt them to hide their crimes. Nevertheless, Ra Yi Eon and his comrade’s determination proven in the Secret Royal Inspector Joy made them...
Finally freed from a toxic marriage, Kim Jo Yi once again intertwines with Inspector Ra Yi Eon as she finally starts a new life in Secret Royal Inspector Joy! After finding leads with the investigation, Ra Yi Eon continues to search for pieces of evidence while hiding his identity. Along with...
Ok Taecyeon, Kim Hye Yoon, Min Jin Woong, and Park Kang Sub are all ready to serve justice while making the audience laugh when Secret Royal Inspector Joy begins in November. Set in the Joseon dynasty, Secret Royal Inspector Joy is a comedic, historical period drama that centers around an intelligent...
Ok Taecyeon and Kim Hye Yoon execute an incredible tandem that will surprise Joseon when Secret Royal Inspector Joy premieres. tvN’s 15th-anniversary Monday-Tuesday drama, Secret Royal Inspector Joy, has published its third teaser video. Eliciting laughter in the untimely battle for the map. Secret Royal Inspector Joy chronicles the hilarious investigation...