Netflix’s highly anticipated second season of Squid Game has released thrilling teasers, offering a glimpse into the intense and thrilling world of the deadly survival game. Fans can look forward to the return of Lee Jung Jae as Gi-hun, who re-enters the deadly games seeking revenge, setting up a tense...
At the Busan International Film Festival, Netflix revealed its 2025 Korean film lineup during the “Next on Netflix: 2025 Korean Films”. Reflecting on its involvement with Korean cinema, Netflix offered an exclusive look at seven upcoming films set for release next year. Vincent Taewon Kim, Netflix Korea’s Director of Content...
Netflix has officially announced the production of Mantis, an action-packed film that centers on Mantis, a top-tier assassin who returns to the chaotic world of contract killing after taking a vacation. Upon his return, Mantis finds himself entangled in a fierce competition for supremacy, facing off against Jae-yi, a fellow...
The global phenomenon that gripped audiences with its high-stakes survival games is set to make a comeback! Netflix has announced that Season 2 of Squid Game is set to premiere on December 26, 2024, with the final season slated for 2025. This news was shared with fans worldwide through a...
The 3rd Blue Dragon Series Awards, held at Paradise City in Incheon on the 19th and hosted by Jeon Hyun-moo and Im Yoon-ah, saw Disney+’s Moving take home the prestigious grand prize. Grand Prize Glory for “Moving” Executive producer Ham Jin accepted the grand prize, sharing his gratitude with the...
Netflix spills enthralling teasers for the highly anticipated return of Squid Game 2. Unveiling tantalizing glimpses of what’s to come, the “Next On Netflix” event today further fans the excitement over a show that remains Netflix’s most popular series more than two years after its release. A heart-pounding finale clip...
It’s time for some throwback K-drama moments with this curated list of beloved K-Dramas celebrating 10th anniversary this year! Real life and real stories are translated into beautiful screenplays in 2014 Korean Dramas. Awe-inspiring is an understatement to the superbly penned standouts of this K-Drama season. A rest in the...
Challenging an interesting character, Im Si Wan readies to paint the tale of Byung-tae in Once Upon A Boyhood. Set in 1989, Boyhood tells the story of Jang Byung-tae, a loser whose life goal is not to be bullied. Moving to a new school, he transforms into the school’s best...
Along with its main poster release, Coupang Play’s Boyhood also confirms its premiere on November 24. Set in 1989, Boyhood tells the story of Jang Byung-tae, a loser whose life goal is not to be bullied. Moving to a new school, he transforms into the school’s best boy overnight. It...
The new Coupang Play series has confirmed its release in November and drops more stills highlighting its lead stars. Set in 1989, Boyhood tells the story of Jang Byung-tae, a loser whose life goal is not to be bullied. Moving to a new school, he transforms into the school’s best...