Parading a fierce disposition, tvN unveils entrancing visuals of Ahn Bo Hyun and Jo Bo Ah in Military Prosecutor Doberman. Military Inspector Doberman chronicles the lives of two military prosecutors who pursued their careers, one for money and the other for retaliation. Moreover, to optimize the genre’s appeal, the series combines...
Healing from painful breakups and current relationships, Yumi’s Cells prove that love will bloom again, even if it is to choose one’s own self. Combining the humorous animated cells and the exquisite ensemble cast of Yumi’s Cells, this series nailed a light romantic comedy that makes its narrative unstoppable to...
Infused with betrayal and revenge, My Name delves into a mind-blowing narrative of a woman’s best-served vengeance. For powerfully conveying its retaliation-seeking female heroine, this series deserves an award for the “best self-serving action” as well as convincing viewers with its engrossing moments in each episode. My Name also masterfully...
Ahn Bo Hyun, Jo Bo Ah, Oh Yeon Soo, Kim Young Min, and Kim Woo Suk are set to star in the upcoming courtroom drama about military prosecutors. Directed by Jin Chang Gyu and written by Yoon Hyun Ho, 군검사 도베르만 Military Prosecutor Doberman (LT) narrates the story of two...
As we go to the last stretch of this season, our physical and emotional strain is expected to hit the limit – so make sure to deck these romance dramas on iQiyi for effective destressing activity. Astrology believers think the Mercury retrograde phenomenon can bring stress and lethargy. To counter...
Soon to drop its enthralling story, My Name lead cast shared fond memories and details of the jaw-dropping protagonist, and we couldn’t be more excited to witness it! Director Kim Jin Min, with prominent cast members Han So Hee, Park Hee Soon, Ahn Bo Hyun, Kim Sang Ho, Lee Hak...
Unfolding the narrative of a vindictive and desperate heroine, Netflix’s series My Name premieres on October 15. At the recent Netflix press conference, the ensemble cast of My Name, along with its director, voiced their experiences about the preparations and behind-the-scenes of the series. The said event was attended by director...
My Name fuses an unpredictable and powerful story in its recently released teaser. Netflix’s new series, My Name, portrays the terrible truth of a vindictive Ji Woo (Han So Hee). She disguises herself as a police officer in order to apprehend the murderer of her father. Additionally, the recently published...
Han So Hee, Ahn Bo Hyun, and Park Hee Soon set a fierce and charismatic atmosphere in the recent poster of My Name. Following the story of Yoon Ji Woo (Han So Hee), My Name chronicles her vengeful story. To find the murderer of his father, she goes undercover as a...
Three different stories are set to commence in the roster of K-Dramas on Netflix next month! Historical romance, drama and thriller action decorate the relatively female-centric narratives. Talented seasoned and reliable actresses are in the spotlight as focal characters. In case you missed the previous batches of K-Dramas on Netflix,...