Netflix’s new series, My Name, releases a teaser trailer that piques fans’ interest. My Name depicts a dramatic action that follows the cruel reality of Ji Woo, portrayed by Han So Hee. She enters an organization under a new name to identify the person who murdered his father. In the...
Layered with perky animation and a familiar chick-lit vibe, Yumi’s Cells commences its love narrative with a fixed flight! Kim Go Eun brings life to a relatable heroine determined to stop her three-year romantic relationship drought. Together with her lively cells, her love mission begins. Opening Week Rating: abbyinhallyuland watches...
The lead pair and director of Yumi’s Cells gamely shared stories about the series in the recent drama presentation. Kim Go Eun confessed sharing similarities with her newest character while Ahn Bo Hyun got suntan and beard for the role. Both stars acknowledged pleasant filming experiences and agreed how Director Lee...
After her sweet character in Nevertheless, Han So Hee challenges a new genre in an upcoming action-thriller drama, My Name. Directed by Kim Jin Min and written by Kim Ba Da, My Name follows the story of Yoon Ji-woo (Han So Hee), who seeks revenge after witnessing her father’s death. Ji-Woo works in an...
Cells collaborate to overcome Yumi’s routine life without romance in the latest teasers of Yumi’s Cells. TVING’s original series, Yumi’s Cells is a compassionate cell-stimulating romance that follows the everyday life of Yumi as she eats, loves, and lives with her cells. Director Lee Sang Yeob remarks the series is...
Confirmed to broadcast on October 15, Han So Hee returns as a revenge-driven undercover agent in My Name. Along with actors Ahn Bo Hyun, Park Hee Sun, and other veteran actors, Han So Hee sets to lead the eagerly-anticipated Netflix series. Han So Hee & Ahn Bo Hyun Clinch New...
In tvN’s Yumi’s Cells, Ahn Bo Hyun becomes an honest man that would awaken the love cell of Yumi. Yumi’s Cells came from the Naver original webtoon with the same title that became popular because of its unique storyline about cells. The webtoon came to life under the direction of Lee Sang...
Popular webtoon Yumi’s Cells is set for live adaptation and officially drops its main poster featuring Kim Go Eun and Ahn Bo Hyun. Directed by Lee Sang Yeob and written by Song Jae Jung along with Kim Yoon Joo, the drama tells the story of Yumi (Kim Go Eun), who...
Kim Go Eun is set to lead the unique and heartening series, Yumi’s Cells. TVING and tvN take us inside Kim Yu Mi’s mind starting this September. Mixed with 3D animation and star-studded casts, Yumi’s Cells expects to bring us a new flavor of the Hallyu series. Furthermore, the series adds...
Showing the vibrant life of a fangirl, Her Private Life sprinted to an endearing tale without capitalizing on rom-com clichés. Tidily executed, Her Private Life has an energizing habit of presenting its narrative in bright light as much as possible. Fill your room with the things you love, so you...