A guaranteed elevated dopamine is up for viewers on the quirky and humorous Netflix series, Chicken Nugget, premiering March 15. A bizarre comic-mystery drama, the series takes you on a rollercoaster ride with Sun-man as he navigates an absurd mission: To rescue his daughter, Min-ah, who has turned into a...
The lead stars of the highly-addictive TVING series relay stories about their latest work. LTNS tells the story of a couple whose relationship has become estranged due to life hardships. They chase after extramarital couples to make money. LTNS, which combines pleasant dialogue and a detailed story, has steadily gone...
Tired of working hard and not getting their desired result, a couple decides to go for a risky source of income that exposes disloyal spouses in LTNS. Blended with sensible lessons and humor, this new series is powered by Esom and Ahn Jae Hong. abbyinhallyuland watches LTNS on Viu Opening...
Three Names, Three Lives, Three Murders – Mask Girl mounts a cryptic premise before its official launch. Ahead of its much-anticipated debut on Netflix on August 18, the upcoming series Mask Girl is setting the stage for its intriguing story through three main posters and a new trailer. The trailer...
Giving adultery a funny twist is the premise of TVING’s LTNS. LTNS (Long Time No Sex) *WT is a comedy-drama of an estranged couple. They threaten an adulterous couple in order to earn money, and in the process, face their already ruined relationship. The series aims to show the reality...
Netflix has assembled its confirmed cast for Mask Girl, which aims to feature grim humor that is worth anticipating. Mask Girl, a popular webtoon with a strong character and innovative growth, will be reborn as a Netflix series. It narrates the story of Kim Mi-mo, an ordinary office worker with...
Be Melodramatic bares a not-so-melodrama plot as it tells about relatable light stories among friends. Set in the broadcasting world, layered with an ample amount of women empowering messages, viewers can easily fall in love with the female leads of the series as they show unique personalities and interesting love...
Fight For My Way hits a jackpot in picturing a fascinating neighborhood romance! Pacing a vibrant tone, Fight For My Way features characters who missed their chances to work on their young love and dreams, but finds back the passion to pursue the goals they once gave up. Main Cast:...