A dysfunctional family takes on villains in Coupang Play’s newest series! “Today feels more like a family than yesterday.” This phrase perfectly encapsulates the essence of Family Matters, a highly anticipated Coupang Play series that explores the concept of family through an unconventional lens. The show stars Bae Doona, Ryu...
The newly released trailer for Family Plan, a Coupang Play Original series, has already captivated viewers, sparking high expectations. Family Plan centers on a mother with an extraordinary power to edit memories, who teams up with her family to take down villains uniquely unpredictable. This series promises a compelling mix...
Coupang Play has unveiled its lineup of original and sports content to be introduced this year. Coupang Play offers a wide range of choices throughout the year with original works of various genres. Hide, which is currently being released, is a mystery suspense series in which lead Lee Bo Young...
The Coupang Play series Family Planning unveils captured moments at a recent table-read. Family Planning is a story about people with special abilities who disguise themselves as family members to survive and use unique methods to overcome the vicious criminals who threaten them. At the script reading site, the creators...
Bae Doona, Ryu Seung Bum, Baek Yun Sik, Lomon, and Lee Soo Hyun are confirmed lead cast of Coupang Play’s new series. Family Planning is a story about people with special abilities who disguise themselves as family members in order to survive and use unique methods to overcome the vicious...
Powered by South Korea’s renowned stars, Broker was officially invited to the competition section of the 75th Cannes International Film Festival. Directed by acclaimed Japanese filmmaker Hirokazu Kore-eda, the film features a solid cast roster including Song Kang Ho, Kang Dong Won, Bae Doona, Lee Ji Eun and Lee Joo...
Bae Doona and director July Jung reunite after eight years in the film, The Next Sohee. The Next Sohee chronicles So-hee, a high school girl who is required to attend field training at a call center, and Yu-jin, a female detective who has doubts about it. Furthermore, Bae Doona, who...
With an exceptionally talented and seasoned cast, The Silent Sea certainly delivers a perceptive K-Content series to the world! Rendering viewers a glimpse of what the world could become in the near future, Netflix’s series The Silent Sea urges us to protect our natural resources before we reach a point...
Speaking with eloquence and wit, the lively cast and showrunners of The Silent Sea provided glimpses of filming anecdotes and highlights to expect when the series premieres on December 24. At the virtual press conference held earlier, Bae Doona, Gong Yoo, Lee Joon, Kim Sun Young, Lee Mu Saeng and...
From the beginning of a vast mystery, The Silent Sea portends the elite members’ fates at the abandoned research station! Set in the near future, The Silent Sea chronicles the story of an elite team on a special mission to an abandoned research base on the moon, as resource depletion has...