ENA’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama, Brewing Love, is poised to captivate audiences with its refreshing take on love and relationships. Set to debut on November 4, Brewing Love follows the lives of a top saleswoman for a liquor company who hides her emotions and a sensitive brewery CEO who intuitively picks...
From its humble opening, Once Upon A Small Town blossomed into an endearing romantic story that relishes the beauty of falling in love. Engrossingly formulaic, the series piles up the sweetness that spreads inside the viewer’s heart. Its simple storytelling underlines subtle and strong messages on nurturing self-worth, friendship and...
Love is kind and not self-seeking embodies the penultimate episodes of Once Upon A Small Town. You know those love stories we learned from our social media connections where love blossoms blissfully and then suddenly lost it? This kakao TV’s romantic small-town set series is the perfect example of how...
The 9th episode of Once Upon A Small Town reminds us that love most of the time is a feeling of excitement and not comfortability. As Ji-yul is being won back by his ex-girlfriend Min; Ja-young goes through a predicament if she can also assert the connection she feels toward...
Just when heart flutters are finding their way to connect Ja-young and Ji-yul; an ex-lover makes a trip to Hui-dong in the 8th episode of Once Upon A Small Town. Sang-hyun is also ready to fight for his unrequited love now that Ji-yul looks at her with a special fondness....
Caught in an adorable puppy love predicament, Ja-young and Ji-yul ended up smoothing out the faint disappointment of their belated reunion. Fortunately, the childhood friends were able to reconcile misunderstandings and are both willing to understand each other’s perspectives. abbyinhallyuland watched Once Upon A Small Town on Netflix Episode Recaps:...
Ji-yul struggles to ignore the growing fondness he’s feeling for Ja-young. But things might shake up now that someone has reminded him of what he forgot. Week 2 of Once Upon A Small Town delights with a love confession, a brewing love triangle and a slew of memories that resurfaced....
To run for a dozen episodes, kakao TV’s new webtoon-based series aims for a healing route with hints of romance. Set in a small town, the friendly vibe and subtle humor are evident and perfect for people who like a swift-moving story that does not have a complicated plot line....
Connecting different murders into one case, Inspector Koo proved that everyone’s fear reveals one’s true wickedness. Presenting unique characters and plot, JTBC’s Inspector Koo stars a phenomenal cast to break stereotypes about women and the investigative field. Main Cast: Lee Young Ae | Kim Hye Joon | Supporting Cast: Kim Hae Sook | Kwak...
Squeezing sensible yet quick love and life stories in less than 20 minutes, How To Be Thirty might be the realistic romantic treat you need! From sweet to sane romantic narrative, the series is packed with pragmatic lessons specifically catering to single people. Main Cast: Jung In Sun | Kang...