Award-winning Korean pop idol Jisoo talks about her feelings working with Jung Hae In on their upcoming drama Snowdrop. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student who hides and...
Prior to its grand premiere, JTBC’s Snowdrop teases a dramatic atmosphere and introduces the characters in a one-minute trailer. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho, a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro, a female university student who hides and treats him in the...
Capturing the main leads’ momentous meeting, JTBC’s Snowdrop reveals the dramatic stills between Jung Hae In and Jisoo. In the photos released by the production team, Im Su-ho (Jung Hae In) and Eun Young-ro (Kim Jisoo) were seen hugging each other. Indeed, it is a scene in which an apprehensive...
Flashing arresting character posters of its lead pairing, Snowdrop prepares for a sweet and emotional romance. Set in 1987, Snowdrop narrates the story of Su-ho, a prestigious university student who hides in a women’s university dormitory. He meets Young-ro, a female university student, who hides and treats him in the...
A new teaser image of Snowdrop showcasing a heart-fluttering moment between Jung Hae In and Jisoo has been released! Confirming its first broadcast on December 18, upcoming JTBC Saturday drama Snowdrop unveils a new teaser. In the newly released poster, Su-ho, portrayed by Jung Hae In, stares somewhere with a...
It’s a December launch for the eagerly awaited romance series Snowdrop! Starring Jung Hae In and Kim Jisoo, JTBC’s newest drama offering, Snowdrop, confirmed its broadcast premiere in December along with its first teaser poster. In the unveiled image, the series’ lead couple is shown dancing together in the background...
Are you a certified PH Blink who compiles merchandise to add to your collection? Here’s your chance to win some and show your support to BLACKPINK! The Korean girl group BLACKPINK was formed by YG Entertainment consisting of Ji-Soo, Jenny, Rose, and Lisa. They debuted in 2016 with their album Square...
Decking quite a challenge, Jung Hae In preps up for a thriller-historical drama project! Taking the lead role of 설강화 Snowdrop (LT), Jung Hae In has quite a task to take. Aside from his first period drama appearance, his new collaboration is with the writer-PD tandem of sleeper hit jTBC...