Upcoming film 20th Century Girl affirmed vibrant lead stars Kim Yoo Jung, Roh Yoon Seo, Byeon Woo Seok, and Park Jung Woo. Directed and written by Bang Woo Ri, 20th Century Girl is a melo-romantic film that would pique the heart of its viewers. The film tells the story of 17-year-old Na Bo-Ra...
Capturing the emotions of facing life’s crossroad, Record of Youth is unapologetic in presenting an unbridled perspective of confronting what it means to build a future with personal dreams in it. Record of Youth ripples a nagging message to its target audience. The new tvN series poured its message right...
With Park Bo Gum slated to enter the military camp this month end, he will gift fans with Record of Youth – a series that will inspire us to dream. Together with Park So Dam and Byeon Woo Seok, Record of Youth scheduled its premiere on tvN and Netflix starting...