Cho Seung Woo looks every bit as polished and debonair as Shin Sung-han in Divorce Attorney Shin. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes in marriage and brings back together married...
Promising another unique character and stellar drama story, Cho Seung Woo portrays the titular role in the highly-awaited JTBC drama. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes in marriage and brings...
Cho Seung Woo, Han Hye Jin, Kim Sung Kyun and Jung Moon Sung are set to decorate the eagerly-awaited JTBC series, Divorce Attorney Shin. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes...
Warming up anticipation, Sacred Divorce released teaser photos of Cho Seung Woo who will be returning as a divorce lawyer in a new series. Sacred Divorce tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes in marriage...
JTBC confirms Cho Seung Woo will portray a competent lawyer for its upcoming legal drama. Cho Seung Woo is ready to heighten the thrilling narrative of 신성한 이혼 Sacred Divorce. Set to broadcast in the first half 2023, JTBC and Writer Yoo Young Ah carefully pick top-notch actors for the...
The prized actor made his appearance as a guest in the latest episode of tvN’s You Quiz On The Block: Season 3 and talked about different stories that he had experienced. In a rare appearance in an entertainment show, Cho Seung Woo delighted the viewers with his guesting after 16 years. Specifically,...
Stranger binds deft writing and shrewd characters in conceiving a classy legal drama! The moment you decide to watch Stranger, you subconsciously wear an invisible prosecutor robe and a police-thinking cap in trying to decipher the motivations that make a person become less human. Main Cast: Cho Seung Woo |...
If there is one cute necessity surplus that has not been neglected in this world, that would be having talented Korean actors. For the thriving K-Drama fan base, followers are blessed with a plethora of Korean drama actors gifting sweet and superb television series. Keeping career longevity for Korean actors...
Consider you’re forewarned, Sisyphus The Myth felt like the best part of a romantic relationship especially those times when you can’t get enough of each other. But the good times do not equate to a happy-ever-after. It has been an exciting 16-episode run joining the cast in their virtual time...
The penultimate episodes of Sisyphus The Myth felt like a Viking ride as our heroes confront painful realities tracing their present and future lives! Striking a strong cliff-hanger just before its closing week, Han Tae-sul and Gang Seo-hae begin the outsmarting game with Sigma. Both camps have been securing help...