Netflix series Racket Boys is set to deliver a heartwarming and humorous story about a ragtag middle school badminton team. Look forward to the comic relief focusing on the young athletes’ dreams and aspirations. Tang Jun Sang (Move To Heaven) suits up to the role of Yoon Hae-kang who is...
Pan Entertainment announced that it has signed a Netflix partnership contract for Racket Boys! The eagerly-awaited SBS series will premiere on May 31 and will be available to over 190 countries worldwide, starting with Asian and English-speaking regions through Netflix. Powered by the formidable creative team, expectations are high for...
Rooting for this forthcoming series is a must. Because we really need quality and inspiring stories like Racket Boys. The series officially premieres on May 31 via SBS at 10 PM KST. It chronicles the story of young people dreaming of becoming badminton stars in a rural town. Powered by...
Sports-themed drama, Racket Boys is ready to smash heartening moments with its confirmed first broadcast date! The series officially premieres on May 31 via SBS at 10 PM KST. It chronicles the story of young people dreaming of becoming badminton stars in a rural town. Powered by the formidable creative...