Choi Tae Joon is set to make a cameo on TVING Original’s Island. Island is a fantasy-action series depicting the journey of people destined to fight against the evil that is trying to destroy the world. The actor preps to portray Chan-hee, a person with a unique story that would...
In the recent episode of Twenty Five Twenty One, Hee-do moves forward to kiss Yi-jin as they celebrate the new year together. Hee-do’s mom persuades her to prepare for the college exams, which she initially had no intentions of taking. Only Ji-woong and Hee-do take the CSAT as Seung-wan, who...
Meeting again in the middle of the road, Hee-do introduces her boyfriend to Yi-jin in Twenty Five Twenty One. Rising in the competitions, the rift between Hee-do and Yu-rim becomes bigger. Yu-rim becomes more pressured to do well while Hee-do reaches the finals in the Asian Games. Meanwhile, Yi-jin becomes...
Vividly conveying their earnest happiness, the bride and groom embrace their new wonderful chapter in the disclosed wedding photos. In the recently released photo by the agency, Studio Santa Claus, Choi Tae Joon appears endearingly happy as he smiles from ear to ear. With his warmest eyes fixed straight ahead,...
It’s happy news for the actors who have been dating for almost five years! Since confirming their relationship status in 2017, Park Shin Hye and Choi Tae Joon had carried on with their respective careers while keeping their love lowkey yet strong. The two started out their careers as promising...
So I Married The Anti-Fan nails all the things we love in a rom-com story! Adorable love pairing, check. Upbeat and flowing narrative, check. Doses of life and love lessons, check. It’s a surprise drama treat that would make you smile every episode. Journeying to a discovery of self and...
Definitely worth the wait, So I Married An Anti-Fan proves that formulaic romance stories can turn unpredictable with palpably sweet synergy between the love pairing! It’s absurd when just a minute ago you were just a normal journalist working late night hours at an entertainment agency, and the very next...
Get to know 2PM’s Hwang Chan Sung as the handsome villain in So I Married The Anti-Fan in this inclusive interview. So I Married The Anti-Fan is a story about the romance of top star Hoo Joon (Choi Tae Joon) and his anti-fan, Geun Young (Choi Soo Young). JJ (Hwan Chan...
Choi Tae Joon recently talked about his thoughts and experiences in embodying and accepting the role of Hoo Joon. In the story, we all see how Choi Soo Young (Lee Geun Young) despises Hoo Joon and blames him for being the reason why she got fired. Geun Young, having that...
If you are craving for a K-Drama saccharine ride, So I Married The Anti-Fan might be the one you need! Currently streaming on iQiyi for international fans, the series tells the story of a top star and a woman labeled to be his anti-fan. When they participate in a reality...