Park Soo Young, known as Red Velvet’s Joy, transforms into a social butterfly police officer for Accidental Country Diary. SM Entertainment and Kakao TV confirm Park Soo Young as the female lead in Accidental Country Diary. She will be pairing with rookie actor Choo Young Woo who made notable portrayals in School...
In the midst of seemingly hopeless situations, School 2021 provided a gradually steady direction for everyone to achieve their dreams. Brimming with soothing moments from the lives of eighteen-year-old students, School 2021 reminded us that setbacks are a vital part of growing into better versions of ourselves. Main Cast: Kim...
School 2021 scheduled first broadcast episodes are delayed as Kim Yo Han tested positive for COVID-19. Upcoming Wednesday and Thursday series of KBS2 holds up as the production team of School 2021 follows preventive measures of the pandemic. It is also confirmed that the series’ lead actor, Kim Yo Han tested...
Serving a fair justice, Police University upholds that change is possible if we have someone who doesn’t tolerate our unlawful actions. As Police University ended, it highlights the true meaning of having a true partner in times of hopelessness. We should not let our mistakes control and hinder us from a righteous life. Main...
The cast of the anticipated franchise series of KBS2 gives us a peek at their characters and what makes School 2021 special Finally, KBS2 completes its fresh and lively cast for School 2021. Kim Yo Han, Choo Young Woo, Cho Yi Hyun, Hwang Bo Reum Byeol, Kim Kang Min, and Seo Hee...