A poignant tale of love, loss, and redemption; My Youth stars Song Joong Ki and Chun Woo Hee! My Youth (WT) tells a heartfelt romance between a man who begins an ordinary life later than most, and a woman who must disrupt the peace of her first love to achieve...
High on tension and easy resolutions and low on character development, the drama concludes its run with a finale just as atypical as the entire story was. But for a drama about superpowers, I think we should just suspend our disbelief and be thankful that no one was sacrificed, and...
With nothing seeming to work out, getting her atypical family to regain their lost superpowers, our matriarch is clutching at straws, desperate for a way to alleviate her family’s plight. So, when our heroine offers her a glimmer of hope, our matriarch is more than willing to hold her hand....
“Do you really want something fun?” This question opens the zany teaser trailer for The 8 Show, a thrilling new Netflix series that follows eight individuals trapped in a mysterious 8-story building, participating in a high-stakes show where the prize money goes up the longer they stay. Already attracting attention...
Netflix’s The 8 Show is confirmed to be released on May 17th. The 8 Show is about 8 people being trapped in a secret space divided into 8 floors and earning money over time. It is a work that tells the story of what happens while participating in a sweet...
Renowned filmmaker Director Han Jae-rim’s first series, The 8 Show will be released on Netflix next year. The 8 Show is about 8 people being trapped in a secret space divided into 8 floors and earning money over time. It is a work that tells the story of what happens...
An extraordinary fantasy-romance drama will be decorated by Jang Ki Yong and Chun Woo Hee soon! 히어로는 아닙니다만 I’m Not A Hero (LT) is backed up by production company SLL It tells the story of a man with extraordinary abilities who struggles with depression. Then, he meets a woman who...
Fascinatingly hooking, the story, the characters, and the direction of Delightfully Deceitful give unexpected pleasure. Explicitly explaining its concept of “beneficial fraud” – the series vaunts a sound argument on other ways that justice can be claimed and served. Main Leads: Chun Woo Hee | Kim Dong Wook | Yoon...
The lead stars of Delightfully Deceitful look back on fond moments of their characters in the series! Delightfully Deceitful is a revenge drama where two people with completely different personalities, one commits fraud and cannot empathize while the other one is a lawyer who is overly empathetic. They team up together...
Reuniting with fellow geniuses “nurtured” by Jeokmok Foundation, Ro-woom’s vengeance motivation is starting to get revealed in Delightfully Deceitful. Still wanting to be a willing victim, Moo-young is also getting pieces of information in the web of lies and truths that involve Jeokmok kids. abbyinhallyuland watches Delightfully Deceitful on Smart...